Why I’m Studying Abroad in France

sophia study abroad in France

So, the number one question I get asked: Why I want to move to France and study abroad

First of all, I didn’t want to. The thought of moving so far from home and missing my life here, all my friends and and still relying on my parents so much, boggled my mind. I wasn’t going to see them for an entire year. However, these are some of the mini heart attacks travelers have. The more I thought about it, the sound of escargot and and the beautiful old cities became more appealing, and any concerns about living without my Canadian life sort of dwindled down to a small fear; then it became possible.

I really want to study abroad in France so I can step off the hamster wheel of life. Traveling  is a dream that controls my life on a regular basis (I’m sure my history teacher hate me for dreaming while he teaches the class about the place I am dreaming of!). Upon the walls of my room are landmarks of the world and chartered maps of places I’ve been and where I have yet to explore. I have to say France and Sweden are at the top of my list. Now, believe it or not, daydreaming within the four walls of my room is not very effective. Luckily with the support of my amazing parents, I have the opportunity to live and study abroad.

There’s something wrong about feeling displaced in the area a person is situated in, and I feel that more and more when my feet are in Canada but my brain is wired to France. Teens often face the dilemma of trying to be unique but they are too afraid to step too far out of their comfort zone. Think about it, language, school, interests, music, goals, clothes, they are all extremely similar. Until a person is able to displace themselves, move out of their comfort zone, and see life in a new perspective, realize how many lives and friendships can be created, they miss a whole opportunity of life experience. I refuse to let this opportunity slip by for small fears. So the solution is France, soon to be my home away from home.

In life, I think the key is being happy where ever you are, but it can be even more incredible when you are content with yourself and in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Maybe this post is a little too enchanting verses the reality, but that is for me to find out! Today I have 72 days left in in my home country and I never would have thought to be as ready to leave as I am.

All in all, I love all fellow North Americans, but I am officially ditching you to become French.

Au revoir! Vis Ta Vie Pleinement  (Live Your Life to the Fullest) 


Do you dream of studying abroad in France? Comment below and tell us your travel goals or tips!


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