Home » A lovely Saturday at the Cherry Blossom Festival
by Sarah Gourevitch
4 min read
Posted April 9, 2014

I had to go to downtown and took some pictures along the way.

In Daejeon, you see gardens everywhere. I think people just find plots of land and start a garden.

My neighborhood. I LOVE that you can see mountains where I live.

My street. Again…the beautiful mountains. Can I bring them back to Texas with me? Please?

Gardening in her little garden

I believe these are called tulip flowers. They are so pretty.

Daejeon is big into planting flowers and making the city beautiful. I like that.

“It’s Daejeon”….the city’s slogan.

In downtown…called Dunsan

To cross the street at this major intersection in Dunsan, you have to go in the underground tunnel. There are often vendors down there selling clothes, socks, bags and purses, and vegetables.

Look! You can buy a waffle from a van!

At the women’s hospital

I see Mini-Coopers all over Korea. I sure did enjoy mine. While it lasted…

After Dunsan, I took the subway to the Chungnam University area to go to the Cherry Blossom Festival. I decided just to go by myself so I could enjoy the day leisurely and take tons of photographs. The weather changed all of a sudden, and it got cloudy. Bye-bye blue skies. Hello gray ones. However, I think it’s beautiful. This river runs throughout Daejeon, and you often find walkers and joggers along the river.

In Korea, boyfriends treat their girlfriends so sweet. They even carry their purses for them. Do you see the guy in blue carrying his girlfriend’s purse?

And the 80’s have officially come to Korea. Oh yes they have…

Welcome to Chungnam National University!

Ahh…a cute Korean couple. Korean couples always have to be touching each other somehow. It’s rather cute and sweet. Makes me want to be part of a couple.

I didn’t know where to go, so I just followed all the people.

You know there’s a festival in Korea when you see food and balloons.

Cute couple selfies

It was gorgeous. Cherry blossoms were providing a beautiful canopy to walk under. And it was literally snowing flowers everywhere.

So I’m walking along by myself and see this tall dude. We see each other and smile. He yells “Hey!” and waves. I yell “Hey!” back, and then go over to him. He asks where I’m from, and I say Texas. He gives me this big high five and says he’s from Louisiana and is so excited to meet a fellow Southerner. Then some EPIK friends come up as we’re talking, and it turns into one of those awesome “God incidences” where He just lined everything up at the right time. It was pretty awesome. Definitely plan on getting together soon! 

These are some of my EPIK friends that I ran into…Jenny, Elizabeth, and Bola. We ended up hanging out together, and it was wonderful!

I’m all a.out the fun photographs, so here we go with the jumping picture!

I just LOVE my camera!

The “landing” picture cracked me up just as much. Their facial expressions are priceless.

It looked like it was snowing. Literally. Those aren’t dots on my lens. Those were cherry blossom flowers “snowing” all over us. Beautiful!

So I know I took A TON of photographs of the cherry blossoms, but I just couldn’t help myself. They were so beautiful. Do you agree?

Bola and Elizabeth eating Korean corn dogs….corn dogs with french fried potatoes on the outside. Korean “fair” food at its best. I haven’t tried it though.

Check out the boyfriend sticking his booty out so he is on “level” with his girlfriend. Is that cute or what?

The university had several statues on their campus.

In Korea, it is popular to get letter jackets for your university. Yes, I know these just happen to be maroon. I think it would be awesome to get one of these for my college, the best, the one and only…. Texas A&M University. I wonder if they would do that. What do you think?

You have your major at the bottom

This is called the “remake of the Mona Lisa”…um ok. Doesn’t remind me of the Mona Lisa. But that’s just me…

Yeah, so we didn’t check out this Nude Castle. However, it makes for a good pic!

Texas Western Ice Bar! Of course, I had to take a picture! And was Marilyn Monroe a Texan?

After the festival, we decided to go to a coffee shop and warm up. It had dropped several degrees and had gotten quite cold. The weather reminded me of Texas weather.

Hope you enjoyed all my photographs of the cherry blossoms!

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