The Waiting Game turned into the Whirlwind Game
Wow…where did the last 6 weeks go? I remember a month ago when I had my last day at the AHA and I was thinking the first two weeks in January were crazy. Then came lovely module 5 that made me miss my San Diego trip (which relief I passed that thing! but sad that I didn’t get to see all my SD peeps). Well then, as a lot of you probably remember, you all asked me the same question that was on my very own mind as well ‘When do you leave?’ and I would respond with ‘no clue!’
I started to get anxious…but then knew that if I didn’t leave on the first round (Feb. 17th) that I would leave probably in March…and so of course I started thinking of all the things I could STILL do! Does this sound like typical Erin behavior?! I would email my contact and she was super sweet and reminded me that she would tell me as soon as she had ANY info. So, I waited. I waited, and waited, and waited. And, I had a good time and took advantage of NOT working. I got to see one of my childhood friends and have some great quality time with her and her kiddos, I got to run in a 5k with my mom for her bday (and her first 5k!), I got to just have the gift of TIME. And then, last week, Thursday February 6th to be exact, I came to a realization. I was CONVINCED I wasn’t leaving on the first round b/c really, as I said to my friend Steph when I was at her house, ‘I would have to find out tomorrow (which was Friday, Feb. 7th) if I am going the first round b/c otherwise there isn’t enough time to get my Visa. Well, as you all know, I woke up on Friday, Feb. 7th and checked my email and voila there it was. The golden ticket/email. I was leaving on a jet plane on Monday Feb. 17th. Holy crap!?! So…the last 8 days has been a blurrrrrr I was able to still go to the family cabin with my mom and sister. We had a great time, saw some snow (finally! This CA winter is ridiculous-sorry East Coast & mid West friends!), played some cards, and slept. When I got back to my parents on Monday I was waiting for my contract, b/c i couldn’t get my visa without the contract. Tuesday was the day-I drove to SF, went to the Korean embassy to apply for my Visa and had quite an experience with that. The good news is I did get my Visa-I just had to drive back to SF on Friday to pick it up. This last week has been a whirlwind-shopping for warmer clothing, items that they don’t have in South Korea (clothing & toiletries, OTC medicines, etc.), saying goodbye to friends & family, mentally preparing myself that I am going FAR and will be gone for a year. Trying not to overpack (yet still packing…it has been a week of saying I need to pack, yet everything else comes first), going through the stuff I brought to my parents (and although I swear I downsized I still have too much!). I am beyond excited, and I know when I get on that plane I will probably fall asleep from the exhaustion of this week. Because the truth of the matter is, this dream of mine has FINALLY become a reality! And that is both amazing and overwhelming. There have been so many emotions this week, but I will say that I embrace this next chapter that I have been thinking about for 5 years. Thank you to all of you that have supported this decision! Next stop Seoul for my orientation!
4 min read
Posted February 18, 2014
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