
May Kay Party and a Fika

May Kay Party and a Fika

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Just got home and thought I would do a quick blog update before I collapse in bed. Busy day today! Classes started at 8am (this is super early for me as I normally do not start until 9:15 – rough life I know). I had Swedish then Math. In Math everyone was freaking out because they take their national exam tomorrow which means I get the day off 🙂.

I had a great lunch outside at the local café next to my school then went back for my final class of the day. We got assigned a new project (yay!) where we can pick and ethical issue in the world and write a short paper on it or do a skit. I opted to write a paper and for my topic I choose World Hunger.

Once school let out, I went to the market which was in town just to look around little bit. They are starting to get more and more fresh produce and today they had strawberries that looked heavenly. After wandering around for an hour or so I went home had a snack then took of for the gym. I was super sore from my spin class yesterday though so I just did a short workout.

At around 4:30 my friend came picked me up and we went to a “Mary Kay makeup party”. For those of you that do not know what those are, it is basically a gathering held at someone’s house where they tell you all about the different products, let you try them out, then pressure you into buying a bunch of stuff you do not need. This one was no different, but I still had fun trying out all of the products with my friends.

After we were done with that we all headed down to the river to a little Fika which consisted of cucumbers, carrots, and some dips. Not your traditional Fika which normally has some sugary sweet, but I prefer this healthy version much better! The weather was great and even though it was past 8 oclock it was still completely light out. In a few weeks it will be light almost 24/7… I do not know how I am going to survive!

Now I am super tired and ready for bed. Foot is finally starting to feel better, so I think tomorrow morning I will go for a short walk, have some breakfast, then head off to spend my day in Goteborg! I have a bunch of last minute shopping to do and I will probably meet up with some of my friends who live in the city for a Fika. Fika -ing is a daily occurrence here in Sweden if you have not noticed and is something I really hope to bring with me back to the states! I mean who doesn’t love a good excuse to just take an hour in the afternoon, sip on some tea/coffee, and relax?


Swedish Word of the Day: “sniglar” – snail

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