Home » Congratulations to our 2015 Scholarship Winners!
by Samuel Tew
3 min read
Posted May 1, 2015

Greenheart Travel is thrilled to announce the winners of our 2015 Greenheart Travel Correspondent Scholarship! It was a difficult choice narrowing down our selection of recipients, and we are excited to welcome the following students as our newest members of the Travel Correspondent program.

Stay tuned for articles, photos and videos from them during their adventures abroad in the months ahead!

Meet our Greenheart Travel Correspondent Scholarship Winners:

Justin-BoxJustin Box:
High School Study Abroad participant in Costa Rica
“Many people from my neighborhood attend English conversation group meetings at the local library.  When I return from my study abroad experience I plan to work with the people who come to the English study group and help them learn English.  This will be a rewarding experience and it will give me an opportunity to help others in the community.  I also plan to help the English as a Second Language students at the local middle school and at my high school.”

Katie_FetterKatie Fetter
Teen Summer Language Camp participant in France
“The more studying people do abroad, the more likely they will be to spread the word causing a ripple effect of people that go and learn more about other areas of the world and what their population has to offer the planet. I can help be a part of this ripple effect…Getting to go and experience these things will help me be even more passionate about languages and their impact on my life will be spread to others around me.  By gaining firsthand knowledge, I will also be a great catalyst as a representative for other cultures.”



myaMya Kryschuk
High School Study Abroad participant in China
“I’m a firm believer in the quote by John F. Kennedy that “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try”. Through the lessons I will have learned through this journey I will hopefully acquire the ability to see things with a different perspective, along with the confidence to speak my mind, which could in turn help my community with the addition of a new voice that has different ideas for them to consider.”



AriaAria Villnerve
Teen Summer Language Camp participant in Germany
“Experiencing more than one culture may open up job possibilities for me, making me more valuable to my community. It is very hard for many people to have a broad mindset about the world if they don’t experience other cultures and work to understand that different people have different world views. Once I have achieved that, I will have the capacity to be more understanding of other people and how they are different, and just as importantly I will gain the understanding of how similar they are. Such abilities make me more capable for jobs where you work with a diverse range of people, and if one knows multiple languages your brain has to constantly decide what words you need to use.”

Congratulations to our inspiring 2015 Greenheart Travel Correspondent scholarship recipients! We look forward to following each of them on their adventures abroad in the months ahead.

Have any tips or advice for our travelers about living abroad? Share your comments below!



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