Author: Elyse Waanders

Where Is The Time Going?!

Posted October 20 by Elyse Waanders

I’m shocked to say that I’ve already been here in Spain for over a month! Everyday seems to be passing by quicker than the last.…

First Week Down

Posted September 21 by Elyse Waanders

I made it through the first week here in Don Benito! It was a bit of a culture shock to say the least, from meeting…

Day one in Madrid

Posted September 9 by Elyse Waanders

After my flight was delayed for four hours I finally made it to Madrid and met up with the other students. We dropped our things…


Posted September 7 by Elyse Waanders

I can’t believe the day is already here! Friday night my mom threw me a surprise going away party with all my close friends and…