by Molly Friend, Service Learning & Outreach Manager for Greenheart International
Today is the UN’s International Volunteer Day, recognizing and celebrating volunteers who are working around the world to make it a better place. Here at Greenheart, we are celebrating by encouraging the global community to join Greenheart Club International, our online membership and networking space connecting volunteers around the world. Members enter their volunteer hours in their account, when a member reaches 100 hours they are eligible to earn $2,000 to use on a service project of their choice. Here is why you should join today:
- You can track your good deeds. When you enter the hours you spend volunteering, your Greenheart grows. From experience, it’s an empowering feeling to see the amount of time you give in service.
- Get inspiration from a global community of volunteers. You can see how other people spend their time in service to get ideas, like leading volunteer Azizjon, who has logged over 210 hours doing a variety of volunteer projects like tutoring students and assisting at a local library.
- Greenheart wants to fund projects you care about and $2,000 can go a long way to help your favorite organization or cause. Log 100 hours and you will be eligible to earn $2,000 to do a service project of your choice. Past Greenheart Club grantees have brought funds and projects to places around the world like Ghana, Macedonia, Brazil and Russia.
Take the first step and join the Greenheart Club global volunteer community! Join now and inspire a movement!
Tell us how you are changing the world by volunteering. Comment below!
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