Anna, Greenheart Travel’s Director, is embarking on a whirl-wind tour visiting Greenheart Travel program partners and participants around Europe for the next week. Get inspired and live vicariously through her adventures as she shares her pictures and videos with our travel community!
Welcome to Austria!
I arrived in Austria two hours late so I took a taxi to Katrin’s apartment, our Greenheart Travel high school abroad program partner. Upon arrival I was served a delicious chestnut cake and a big cup of Nespresso. They have a Taiwanese student, Candy, staying with them and who happens to be friends with our Greenheart Travel participant, Sarah. It was wonderful to hear that Sarah is excelling already in her academics and Candy has been showing her the ropes.
Everyone here seems so HAPPY. Even if I hadn’t studied German in high school, after coming here (and only being here an hour, mind you), I would have wanted to study abroad here in Austria. Tomorrow I plan on walking around the center of the city, then going for lunch to meet Sara and her host family.
This picture is of Katrin and Phillina (I think that’s how you spell it), Katrin’s daughter. Their office is also their beautiful apartment. It’s just lovely and they are so joyful. No matter their workload, they always have time to show some love to Greenheart. (The dog is awesome, by the way.)
Tonight at 6 pm we’re going for schnitzel!!
Until then, I’m going online now to see if I can learn some German phrases so I’m not totally floundering. Wish me luck! I kind of wish this had been my last stop on this tour of partner visits because it will be hard to beat the hospitality, excitement and energy I’ve already experienced here in a matter of minutes.
UPDATE: I just looked up ‘basic German phrases’ and there is no way I’m getting beyond the one word responses. Absolutely no way.
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