This Sunday, all the exchange students came together again to traveled to the city of Cork from some last minute Christmas shopping. We met at the Temple Gate Bus Park in Ennis right before 10 before pilling onto a small bus and started the 1 1/2 hour bus ride to Cork. Although I had not seen the other students for more than a month, we all fell back into our old ways of telling stories and sharing our experiences of Ireland. On the way to Cork, we decided to sing Christmas songs from out own countries.
After doing many Christmas carols and deciding to do a secret santa, we finally reached the city of Cork. There seemed to be buildings everywhere. Houses and stores were built on every piece of open land I could see. This was sure to mean some good shopping places for my Christmas gifts. Once we toke a group photo with some santa hats on, we all split up and went our separate ways. Pia and I stuck together as we walked around the town and zoomed in and out of shops.
By lunch time, we both had a large amount of bags hanging around our arms. We stopped for a bite to eat before continuing on our journey around Cork. From Irish souvenirs to jewelry and clothes, Cork had a shop for everything. It was also decorated head to toe in Christmas lights. I have heard many things about the Christmas lights in Cork, but I did not get to see them lit up at we had to leave at 4 o’clock sharp to be back in Ennis by 6 P.M.
Once everyone was back on the bus, we started off by passing out the secret santa gifts. Everyone got adorable things and made the trip a little extra special. After all the gifts had been exchanged, some of the students started talking about doing another get together in January. The next trip isn’t scheduled until February, but everyone really wanted to see each other again. It was decided that we would try to come to Gort (YAY) the next trip and maybe go into a pub to experience some traditional Irish music. However, the next time we get together, there will be 24 of us as 10 new students come after the new year.
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