
Where they Serve the “Second Best Tasting” Ice Cream in the World

Where they Serve the “Second Best Tasting” Ice Cream in the World

by Manou Liu, Greenheart Travel high school exchange student in Japan

It wasn’t a very clear day when my host family and I went to the Yamanashi Prefecture, but it was just the right temperature for going into the hot springs. Yamanashi has many mountains and they are not the ones I’m used to in Canada. They seem to have more big, dangerous looking rocks!

The most famous food in this area is white peaches, “Kyohou” grapes and a kind of flat and long noodles called “Houtou”. They are all very good. I had Kyohou ice cream at a store claiming that it has the “2nd best tasting ice cream in the world.” It was good… But the price wasn’t!

Read more about Manou’s time in Japan and her visit to the hot springs on her blog.

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