Home » Getting My Residency Card in Sweden
by Gian Reinardy
3 min read
Posted March 27, 2014

Hello, Hello!

Hope everyone is having a good day back home. I had an exciting day in Goteborg today – ate an amazing lunch, got my train tickets for Stockholm, did a little shopping, went for a nice long walk along the river, and most importantly I FINALLY went and got my visa after 3 months of being in Sweden. I swear I had planned to do this within a week or two of my arrival, but time flew by so fast before I knew it bam –  it was the end of March!

The process itself was super easy. I just went online and made a 10:30 appointment. When I got there it was very crowded and I was worried that everything would be backed up and I would be stuck spending my whole day waiting to be seen. However, I forgot that this is Sweden – not America. Not only was I seen perfectly on time – they even called my name 15 minutes early! I went to gave them my papers, they took a quick picture of me, got my finger prints, and said they would mail my card in a week. The whole process took 10 minutes tops, this is one of the many reasons I love Sweden.

Here are some pictures to show you all what I was up to the rest of the day!

Usual yummy breakfast of yogurt, homemade granola, and flaxseed, topped with friend berries and a banana.

Usual yummy breakfast of yogurt, homemade granola, and flaxseed, topped with friend berries and a banana.

Little mirror selfie of my outfit I wore today.

Little mirror selfie of my outfit I wore today.

Reading my nook on the train.

Reading my nook on the train.

For Lunch I went back to “Andrum” the vegetarian buffett place. The food there is honestly SO good – I would make the journey to Goteborg once a week if I had the time simply to eat there.

While on my walk to the Migration office I ran into this and had to take a picture. This is an example of what Swedish Day care/Kindergarten is like. They dress the kids up in their little vests and then parade them all around. They are outside for the whole day, rain, sun or snow. In Varberg the forest is full of little kiddos running around in their neon colored vests.

While on my walk to the Migration office I ran into this and had to take a picture. This is an example of what Swedish Day care/Kindergarten is like. They dress the kids up in their little vests and then parade them all around. They are outside for the whole day, rain, sun or snow. In Varberg the forest is full of little kiddos running around in their neon colored vests.

Walking along the river that runs through the middle of the city.

Walking along the river that runs through the middle of the city.

Nordstan! The big shopping mall in Gothenberg.

Nordstan! The big shopping mall in Gothenberg.

After my long day in Gothenberg, I somehow managed to find the strength to go to my X-fit class tonight.

After my long day in Gothenberg, I somehow managed to find the strength to go to my X-fit class tonight.

Dinner! My favorite part of the day. This was a lentil stew with carrots, spinach, and black beans.

Dinner! My favorite part of the day. This was a lentil stew with carrots, spinach, and black beans.

Swedish Phrase of the Day: “jag bryr om inte” – I don’t care. Another phrase that I feel I always could use (especially as a teenager), but can never seem to remember! Hopefully, this will help glue it in my brain.

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