It is insane to say that I have been living and studying in Sweden for TWO. MONTHS.
Sometimes that feels so short, but so long at the same time. Everyday, I am beginning to fall into my routine more and more. It is so exciting that I am starting to feel like a normal Swedish teen, except for the knowing Swedish part!! But even the Swedish is coming around. I’m continuing to understand more of what my friends and host family say and even parts of the lessons in school. I’m able to say more on my own also, however my pronunciation still needs some work.
In my last post, I wrote about wanting to try something new each day. Talking about this really encouraged me to continue down this path of new experiences and inspired me to share new experience with you all. From now on, in each blog I plan to tell you something new that I tried, experienced, or discovered about myself. Hopefully you all enjoy my new addition and it inspires you to get out and change up your routine as much as it does me!
Today’s something new: Insparkfest.
Yesterday, school was buzzing with talk of a party the student council had put together for later that night called Insparkfest. In Sweden, most gymnasiums have an Insparkfest which is somewhat of a welcoming back party at the beginning of the year, even though we have already been in school for a month and a half.
Since my school is so small, they had never had one before so everyone was excited to see what it would be like. This year’s theme was Neon Rave so everyone was supposed to wear neon colors and white to glow in the black light. School seemed to go on forever since everyone’s mind was on the party, but when we finished our last lesson, I headed home to do my makeup and set out my outfit that my friend Alice had helped me pick out the day before. I then went to choir practice with Ebba.
After rehearsal, I rushed home to change quickly then left to catch the train and meet some of my classmates. A bunch of us made our way to the location together and then stood in line waiting for the doors to open. Once we were in and had hung our jackets, we headed to the dance floor!! Although everyone was a little stiff at first, people adjusted quickly and we spent the night dancing, cooling off with some water out back, or hanging by the DJ.
When the party ended, around 2 am, my friend’s dad picked us up and gave us a ride home, even though I could barely keep my eyes open. When I got home around 3am, I headed straight for bed, unfortunately not before setting my alarm for 7:50am.
This morning was definitely a struggle. My body still wanted to be sleeping but needed to be in math class. Fortunately, my Fridays are simple and my math teacher was understanding of how tired most of the class was. We were able to work at our own pace and he let us out a bit early so I headed straight home for some lunch. Now that my tummy is full and I am even more sleepy than before, I plan to spend the rest the day relaxing, watching a new movie, and catching up on some zzz’s.
Although now I am feeling the repercussions, I am so glad I went to the Insparkfest with all my classmates. It was fun to hang out with everyone out of the school environment and I feel my relationships are continuing to grow and getting stronger.
When I see my friendships growing stronger with people here, it is so hard to think I will be leaving them in just a few months. However, at the same time is it slightly comforting to know that I have made friendships here that I know will last long after I have gone, and that I will truly miss my class here.
I am so lucky to have been put in such an easy going and friendly class, I could not have dreamed of anything more.
Now I am off for a nice day of resting.
Hej då,
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