
Monday Madness

Monday Madness

I know that technically this blog is a day late, but hey – better late than never right! I had meant to blog last night, I really did, but life got in the way like it always seems to do lately.

Yesterday started off like every other morning. Wakeup, eat, coffee, read news. At around 9:30 I headed off to the gym to get a nice morning sweat in. After the gym I cam home, showered, and quick ran into town to do some errands.

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By the time I got home I was STARVING so I whipped up a nice little smorgasbord of a chopped apple, carrots, red pepper, cucumber, and two little sandwiches with avocado, salmon, tomatoes, and cheese. I am a girl who loves her veggies and smoked salmon what can I say?

Once inhaling all of that I decided to take Lucy for a nice long walk because the weather was so nice out. We walked along the sea which was packed with people enjoying the beautiful summer day.

We got home at around 2:30 which gave me just enough time to clean up the kitchen a bit and lay out some coffee mugs for my Fika with Marita. Marita is my coordinator here, the person I go to if I am having troubles, etc. She really is a sweet heart and I had a lovely time sitting and chatting with her one final time about my experience here in Sweden. She even gave me and Bea little going away presents! Bea got some nice chocolates and I got a very Swedish hand towel.

Fika concluded at around 4, then Bea and I took Lucy for another quick walk around the fortress to get some fresh air.

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Once we got home it was time for me to start cooking! My last week here I want to cook for the family as much as I can, so last night I made the favorite Roasted Tomato Pesto. Except this time I used whole grain penne pastas and added some sautéed spinach. So So So Yummy!

After dinner, I headed out to meet some friends to watch the World Cup Games! Once the Germany vs Portugal slaughter ended we decided to go out and meet up with some other friends and catch the end of the local semi-professional “Varberg Bois” team that was playing in town tonight.

I got home from that fairly early at around 10pm and it was still broad daylight out, so Bea and I decided to take a walk on the sea and have a little photo-shoot. I have mentioned before Beas amazing photography skills and how we are trying to get my senior picture. We are getting closer and closer, but still have not found “The One” yet. Here are some examples of some pictures she has taken of me.


Not to worry everyone, I will still be posting my final “Cooking with Hannah Tuesday” recipe later today in another blog post. I am super excited because the families old Au Pair, Jessica, is coming to stay with us for 2 days and she is arriving this afternoon! More on that later, for now I am off to yoga. Hej då!


Swedish Word of the Day: “sen” – late

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