Home » Getting Settled in my Homestay
by Turquoise Jackson
2 min read
Posted April 22, 2014


After spending a week at my host family’s beach house, today we arrived at their home in Le Bouscat. Le Bouscat is one of the towns right outside the main city of Bordeaux. The house is beautiful! And my room is pretty amazing too.

It’s nice right?

I have official been in France for a week and time is going by fast. Before I know it I will be back in the States and missing the french cuisine. The food is really good. I mean really good! I’ll post about the food later because it deserves a post dedicated to itself.

A week has gone by and I realized how much my french skills are lacking. I am thankful for the knowledge that I do possess, but I have so much more to learn. When I first arrived in France I could barely understand anything being said to me. After a day or so when the jet lag wore off and the shock of being in a different country faded, my ancient high school and college french came rushing back. I could understand simple phrases and questions when asked slowly. I find it easier to read a question and answer than to listen and answer. I guess it just takes time to become familiar with the sound of the french language. By being part of a french family I am surrounded by the language. I still have to whip out my dictionary though.

On another note, I will be going to Paris in about two weeks! That means  all the macrons I can buy! I have yet to buy any yet,but I did have an amazing pizza!

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