Home » Choosing Pizza Over Sleep in Sicily
by Penny Lane
1 min read
Posted December 30, 2013

After 27 hours of traveling, 3 airplanes, a 7 hour layover in Berlin, a “cancelled” reservation for my ticket from Berlin to Catania, Italy because LAX couldn’t confirm the flight, sleeping on a bench in the airport with people laughing and speaking German at me, meeting Italians on my plane and exchanging information, I finally arrived to the Catania Airport in Sicily.

I was terrified to come out of baggage claim and meet everyone waiting for me, but we all have to face our fears at some point- mine particularly and to come RIGHT THEN.

It was the father, Dino who found me first “Ashley?!” I said, are you the Vinci Family? Si, si!!

And here’s where life in Italian begins.

Read why Ashley chose pizza over sleep on her first night in Sicily… 

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