Home » Where Are You Going? Who Will You Become?
by Janna Elwell
3 min read
Posted May 25, 2013

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”  – Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

The clean slate of possibilities awaits as graduation approaches, signaling freedom from school or the uncertain yet exciting new chapter of life after graduation. Where will you go? What are your plans? Who will you become?

Will you be a mover, a shaker, a leader, a fixer, a starter or a fighter for things good in the world? Will you be a traveler?

Ignore those that say a few months or gap year abroad is irresponsible. Avoid the “advice” that people offer about sacrificing exploration for the safe and mundane. This is YOUR life! The world awaits! All those dreams are yours to hold and it is up to you to honor what makes your heart race and gets you out of bed each morning.

Traveling abroad allows you the time to understand and reflect on what drives you, to learn from people and places you have nothing in common with at first glance and to realize the independent, courageous, leader you have become during these wanderings. After all, how can you really know who you are if you are always following someone else’s path?

You will make mistakes along the way, we all do. And you will wonder if it was worth it to take a path a little more difficult to maneuver without a road map from the masses. And I will tell you that this will be something you won’t regret. The lessons learned while traveling will set you up for far more success than any practicum in college. There will be a time down the road that you will look back through all those photos and be amazed that you did all you did, and how it shaped who you became, all because you decided to see the world.

Own this life. Go explore. Take risks and scrape your knees. Do something that makes you cry from so much happiness because you have no other way to express such bliss. Don’t wait for the perfect moment. NOW is the perfect moment.

The grand adventure has begun and your travels await. We are so proud of you as you embark on this new chapter in life, and are inspired by your courage to listen to your heart. All of us at Greenheart Travel hope you are inspired by the blogs of fellow travelers paving their own road to success and hope they motivate you to create a few travel stories of your own.

Tell us about your adventures after graduation!  

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