Home » Music…K-Pop to the Beatles…and everything in between
by Sarah Gourevitch
3 min read
Posted October 31, 2013

My co-teacher started a Teachers Conversation Club at my school where the teachers could practice their English.  We do this twice a week, and we have anywhere from 2 teachers (besides me) to 6 teachers come.  We have had a pretty good time so far.

Yesterday, in our Teachers Conversation Club, our topic was music.  Instead of talking about random things, we decided to pick a topic for each week.

Since it’s Halloween, I showed them the “Thriller” video, which they loved.  One of the teachers even knew some of the moves.

I asked them what some of their favorite songs were.  These were a couple of the responses.

One teacher’s favorite song is “I Will” by the Beatles.  I did not know the song until we found it on YouTube.  It’s her favorite because it’s her husband’s ring tone when she calls him.   So we all sang along to the melody.

Since she liked the Beatles, I showed the karaoke version of Penny Lane, which we all sang along to.

And one of my personal favorites…

Another teacher’s favorite song is a Korean song.  This man is 60 years old, and he can make her swoon.  It was so funny to watch her during the video.

Here is another song of his, which I liked better.

Another teacher said that she just loved the Backstreet Boys.  Boy, that got me excited.  I LOVE the Backstreet Boys.  She started to sing, “I Want It That Way”, and I sang right along.  Greatness!

Then I went and got my phone and played for them a song I like.  I keep hearing this song, so one day I used “Shazam” and shazam’d it.  It makes me want to bob my head and dance.

After talking about Korean music, I had to share with them some good ‘ole Texas music aka country music.  The first song I thought about was this one:

They like it and were really impressed with his fiddle playing skills.

The last song I introduced to them was the famous “fox” song that has become really popular over here in Korea at other schools.  My EPIK friends kept posting about this song because their students had become obsessed about it, so I had to check it out.  Now, I love it too.  There is something about it.  What do you think?  I think the guys have pretty nice voices to listen to as well.  And they aren’t bad to look at either!

Which video is YOUR favorite?

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