The original teacher’s MT was set for when I was on vacation back home. (side note MT= Members training) But turns out a large number of the staff couldn’t attend so they rescheduled the trip for a weekend that I happen to “available.” Initially wasn’t very excited about going but in reality I really do love my staff and the fact that I wasn’t renewed for another year at my school I was looking forward to this overnight trip with my staff.
This year’s teacher’s MT was scheduled for Busan. I’ve only been to Busan once before with my friends way back when so I was looking forward to what they had planned for us. The trip took place right after the 6th grade graduation.
Ahh yes a little about graduation. My 6th graders graduated and I couldn’t be more proud of them. Their families along with the 4thand 5th graders filled up the gym to watch the graduation ceremony. I’d be lying if I didn’t tear up a few times. They seemed so grown up, from the first day that I met them. A slide show played in the background as each of them walked up on the stage. These pictures were taken a while ago, the only reason I could tell was that some of the students were chubbier in their pictures or vice visa or their hair was longer/shorter. Regardless, congratulations my precious 6th graders. Good luck in middle school. Remember to listen to you parents and your teachers. Study hard. But don’t forget you’re still just kids and have fun.
So yes, after graduation finished, all the teacher’s met in the office where the final remarks of the school year was made. The principle acknowledge those teachers who wouldn’t be returning to Yakdong the next school year and they made their thank you’s. I was only included at the very end because Sunny had squeezed me into the mix. The staff told me to give my words in Korean but I wasn’t too confident in myself to say then entire thing in Korean. In the end was simply, “thank you very much, 감사합니다” with a big bow to my staff. The school got this uber fancy bus for our trip, turns out still not all the teachers were able to go on trip which was disappointing for me. We arrived in Busan from our school in about 2 hours. Lunch was served on the bus, these massive rice kimchi hamburgers with I didn’t eat because they filled me up with kimbap first. We went to this old village that refugee during the war had taken moved into. The streets have been turned into wall art. Like I always start my teacher’s trips along side my co-teacher and so how we get separated from one another. I spend the rest of the trip jumping from group to group of the teachers while they ask me what happen to my co teacher.
Next stop dinner! We went to this super fancy seafood buffet that was right next to Gwangalli bridge, where the bus driver dropped us off by the shore and we walked along the water to the restaurant. It was such a beautiful day.
Once we go to the restaurant we were escorted to a separate room where we were served wine, cause we’re classy bunch of people. And it started, the food. All you can eat seafood, my weakness sushi. I mean I picked at the other things but I got my money’s worth for the buffet at the sushi bar. And my other weakness, ice cream. My staff noticed that when I eat food, especially good food and food that I enjoy eating my eyes light up and that I do a little dance while I eat and that gave them reason to call me cute during the entire trip.
We made our way to our seaside pension after dinner. And I wasn’t able to appreciate it until the next morning. But there’s no need to talk about the morning yet because the night is still young. We pre-game as we would call it at home at our pension and then make our way just down a few yards to norabang of course. This lasted well into the night. But I never seem to enjoy norabang as much with my staff because I don’t know any of the songs that sing. I many sit in the back with a tambourine and pour the soju and beer for the staff. Round 3 was back at the pension where my staff made konglish jokes for me. This lasted well into the night. Once sleeping arrangement was made some how everyone found a place to sleep and that was the end of day 1.
I woke up pretty early compared to the rest of my staff. Like I said earlier I wouldn’t really be able to appreciate the beauty of our pension till morning. The entire pension had glass window over looking the sea. One of the teachers and I went outside to snap a few pictures.
Once everyone dragged themselves out of bed and finished getting ready, they all headed down to take in the view. But some teachers took it pretty hard the night before.
Fresh halibut stew for breakfast. There’s one thing that I can’t really seem to get over while my year here in Korea, how easily they consume soju. My principle and vice principle were pouring each other drinks at 9am. But any who, we started out long day of events fist making our way to a light house were once again we took in the view of how breathtaking it was and I think just to take pictures.
Then off to a local museum with these clay figures. I didn’t really understand and I wasn’t with my co teacher once again. But I did me a dog that I spent most of time with. I’m such a sucker for dogs. Of course lunch! And once again we had all you can eat, this time BBQ. I’ll let the picture talk for its self.
I can’t express freely to my staff how much they mean to me. But I really hope that know how much gratitude and how thankful I am towards them. From the bottom of my heart thank you so much for everything. Really I can’t put it into words.
Thank you.
Next stop Japan.
So much more next time.
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