School Trip to Torino
Historic Arches
The River Po
Mole Antonelliana
Reporter for a day
Museo Nazionale Dell’Automobile
History of Racing
Beautiful Car
School Trip to Torino
I went on a school trip to Turino with my host brother’s class. I’m an assistant teacher at the high school he goes to. There are 5 years in Italian high school, and he’s in his 4th year. The trip was lots of fun. It took about an hour to get to Turino from the school by bus, and it was an entertaining ride since the students were singing on the way to our destination.
Our first stop was RAI – Radio Televisione Italiana. It’s basically a television studio where they film many of the programs for Italian TV. We were given a behind the scenes tour of the different sets. They were actually in the middle of filming a few programs and we got to watch them film. It was pretty cool because we got to get up close and personal with some of the actors and actresses from the programs.
After RAI, we had about an hour for lunch, so we go kabobs. I was excited since it was my first time not eating Italian food in Italy. I love Italian food, but miss the food diversity in California. I had visited Guido Castagna, an amazing chocolate shop, in Torino with Art the weekend before, and since I was in the city, I had to go back and get some chocolates. These chocolates won the gold international chocolate award, and they were sooo delicious.
Our next stop was the Museo Nazionale Dell’Automobile. It’s basically a car museum. I really enjoyed it since we had no tour guide and there was almost no one else in the museum. We were free to roam around, and it was just fun to look at nice cars. There were a lot of older cars like the Model T, classic Mercedes, Cadillacs, Fiats, Ferraris and more. There were quite a few exhibits on the history of cars and racing. Overall it was cool and I liked it better than RAI.
We had about a half an hour before we had to get back on the bus, so the students were teaching me a few words in Italian. Still trying to learn the language, but I find myself being confused because it’s so similar to French and Spanish. I can’t seem to get the intonation of the vowels right, but I’m working on it. I also have trouble conjugating the verbs. I think that’s the hardest part along with masculine and feminine agreement.
Anyways, the students found out I could sing and asked me to sing a few songs for them on the bus. It was cool since I love music, and I got to find out what American songs were popular in Italy. At one point they were singing the Italian version of “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. They changed the lyrics from “I love you baby” to “I love Veronica”, and I wish I had got it on video because it was a great memory.
Until next time…ciao!
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