
Chicago’s Gary Comer College Prep Gets Excited About Cultural Exchange

Chicago’s Gary Comer College Prep Gets Excited About Cultural Exchange

Greenheart Travel team members, Megan Arzbaecher, Volunteer Programs Manager, and Amber Robbin, Outreach Coordinator, had the chance to present at Gary Comer College Prep in Chicago, IL. on December 8, to a packed room of students and parents interested in cultural exchange opportunities.

In efforts to help Gary Comer’s Global Justice Club members gain international experience,  teachers and facilitators of the club, Aiyeshia Wong and Ife Hampton, have a robust plan that includes a semester full of cultural events. The highlight for the students would be volunteering on a Greenheart Travel group trip to Costa Rica. The room was charged with excited energy as parents and students learned more about the animal sanctuary, full-immersion homestay experience, and la pura vida of Costa Rica.

Check out the photos from the inspiring evening below!


students at schoolstudents at school presentationstudents and meganmegan and amberattendees


Update: The students and teachers of Gary Comer College Prep met their goal to volunteer abroad. Follow them on their journey and read more about their countdown to Costa Rica.


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