As strange of an experience as it was, it is one memory that I will probably remember for a lifetime…
Author: Adelaide Downey
The trip reminded me how you can’t judge all of Japan by a single prefecture, just as you can’t judge all of The United States…
There are many parts of the Japanese end of the school year that are similar to the American one, but not everything.
The main difference I found between Christmas in The United States and in Japan is the food.
What A Typical Day Looks Like While Studying in Japan
December 17 by
I felt like a classic anime character as I left my host family’s house this morning. I was running late for my train and I…
Learning About Japan’s Appreciation for Nature
November 15 by
Japan not only adores nature and loves to be surrounded by it, but it also takes action in preserving and appreciating every tiny part of…
My First Experience With Japanese Culture While Studying Abroad
October 8 by
This was my first experience with Japanese customs of this kind, but it is certainly not my last.