Author: Katie Johnson

Not Just Another Packing List for Thailand

Posted December 13 by Katie Johnson

  As everyone who moves abroad knows, it can be very difficult deciding what stays and what goes. I have lived in Thailand for 3…

Two and a Half Months in Thailand and Counting

Posted December 2 by Katie Johnson

As I wrote in my last post about culture shock, I am pushing myself to adapt and hopefully embrace the cultural differences between Thailand and…

A Reality of Living Abroad

Posted November 22 by Katie Johnson

Culture shock. Everyone warns you about it. You know it is inevitably going to happen. Yet it can still find a way to sneak up…

Going Out With a Bang(kok)

Posted November 18 by Katie Johnson

This past Friday I hopped on a bus and spent the weekend in Bangkok. I had been eager to visit the capital of Thailand, and…

When Laundry Goes Wrong // Lesson Learned

Posted October 14 by Katie Johnson

We finally had our first full weekend off since arriving in Thailand. I arrived on Saturday the 26th, and have been on the go ever…

First Week in Thailand

Posted October 7 by Katie Johnson

I have now been in Thailand for just over a week. The experience so far has been nothing short of amazing. I do realize that…

Working with Greenheart Travel

Posted September 4 by Katie Johnson

The first important decision you have to make after deciding to teach abroad is if you are going to pay a company to help you…