Author: Tracy Bomberg

Slowly Getting Comfortable

Posted August 5 by Tracy Bomberg

Well, would you look at that. I have already been living in Thailand for 3 weeks! How crazy is that? In the short time that…

Expect The Unexpected

Posted July 30 by Tracy Bomberg

It’s already been almost a week since I left home and I can honestly tell you that I am still in shock that I am…

Culture to the friggen shock!

Posted July 25 by Tracy Bomberg

Day 1: I’m in Bangkok. Is it hot? TOO hot. Is it busy? Insanely! Are people friendly? Extremely! Am I homesick? Yes… Click to view slideshow.…

Until next time Canada

Posted July 23 by Tracy Bomberg

So here it goes. I made it through check in, checked my bags in and made it flawlessly through customs! Now I am sitting here…