
First Impressions of Austria; Language, Leather Jackets and a Lovely View

First Impressions of Austria; Language, Leather Jackets and a Lovely View

So, after an extremely long journey from Grand Rapids, in which I almost missed my flight from New York JFK to Paris, I have arrived in Österreich. The first thing I did in Austria? I went to the pet store and bought cat and dog food with Katrin, Greenheart Travel’s partner and country manager of STS Austria. I have now been in Austria for about five days and have survived three days of school at BG BRG Mössingerstrasse… Yay! I cannot express my love for this incredibly gorgeous country nor my extremely generous host family. I am fond of the leather jackets the girls at my school wear, and I hope to return to Michigan with some of this European flare.

The language barrier is frustrating (it is very difficult to understand a history lecture in German), but my vocabulary has already expanded quite a bit. My host family has been very encouraging and is eager for me to learn. I hope to add a few words to my vocabulary each day. For example, today I have learned heiß: hot, langweilig: boring, Schwein: pig, Kopt: brain, and Märchen: fairy tale… Really not much commonality between these words.

I have loved every second of every day thus far. And you can’t beat this view.

3 thoughts on "First Impressions of Austria; Language, Leather Jackets and a Lovely View"

  1. Katrin says:

    hahaha…. I am not the coordinator of Greenheart. but the Country mananger of STS Austria

    1. Thanks for catching that Katrin! I have updated Sarah’s story with your correct job title. Hope you are having a great week!

      1. Katrin says:

        that is no Problem for me 🙂 hahahaha

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