Like any other country, food is a huge part of what defines Austrian culture, and over the past seven months of my study abroad program I have had the pleasure of trying a lot of these traditional/touristy foods. Many of these dishes include a lot of flour, cheese, marille (apricot), butter, sugar, or meat — basically everything your doctor tells you to avoid.
I’m rambling too much about food — typical me. Let’s get cracking on this list of 10 foods to try in Austria.
1. Knödel

Knödel are basically boiled dumplings made out of a Tophen Teig (fresh cheese dough), typically with a filling of choice. There are so many kinds of knödel which is why it makes it to the top of my list. There are two groups of this famous dish — salzig and süßes.
Salzig (salty) knödel can include:
- semmel (roll/bun)
- erdapfel (Austrian dialect for potato)
- Tiroler (with ham and onions)
- grammel (type of meat Knödel)
Of the süße (sweet) group, knödel can include:
- the most well known is marille (apricot) Knödel
- nutella
- zwetschke (plum)
- strawberry
- peach
2. Almdudler
Almdudler is a beloved soft drink made in Austria. It has a famous red label with a photo of a man and woman wearing traditional clothing, holding glasses of what I assume to be Almdudler, with a mountain landscape in the background. This drink is made of Alpine herbs (lemon balm, sage, gentian, elderflower and coneflower), natural beet sugar and fresh spring water. There are also new flavors such as holunder, mint and Gespritzt with lemon.
The company’s slogan is:
- Austrian Dialect: “Wenn de kan Oimdudla haum, geh’ i wieda ham!”
- Standard German: “Wenn die keinen Almdudler haben, gehe ich wieder heim!”
- English: “If they don’t have Almdudler, I’ll go back home!”
After becoming totally addicted to this drink, I think it’s safe to say that is a relatable slogan.
3. (Käse) Leberkäse
(Käse) Leberäse looks almost like meatloaf. It is baked into a bread pan until it has a golden-brown crust. The word Leberkäse literally translates to liver/meat cheese. It’s ironic because the only time it has cheese in it (or at least in my experience) is when you order a Käse Leberkäse (cheese liver/meat cheese). The best way to eat it is with a semmel roll. At first I was highly suspicious of this snack, but now I order one once a week for a quick lunch.
4. Käsekrainer
Käsekrainer is basically a sausage with cheese inside of it. I wasn’t a huge red meat fan before I came to Austria, but now I can’t imagine my life without Käsekrainer. It tastes especially good with senf (mustard).
5. (Wiener) Schnitzel
Would this even be a proper blog post about Austrian foods if I didn’t mention Schnitzel? The answer is nein (no). I admit I’ve only had Schnitzel once or twice, but I still place it on my top list. Schnitzel is a meat that is pounded thin with a meat tenderizer, then coated in flour, eggs and breadcrumbs and fried in an oil or fat. This results in a heavenly masterpiece. There are veal, mutton, chicken, beef, turkey or pork schnitzels.
6. Krapfen
If you, too, are a huge donut fan, then this pastry is right up your alley. Krapfen are powdered donuts usually filled with apricot marmalade. There are other kinds of krapfen such as chocolate or custard, but marille (apricot) will forever remain the number one favorite in Austria.
7. Manner
Manner produces a wide range of confectionery products, but the most common are the Manner wafers. You may have seen them in the States at your local grocery store. They have a square pink package with the blue Manner logo on it. Not ringing a bell? Pity! My personal favorite are the Orangen Herzen (Orange Hearts). They are wafers shaped like hearts, filled with orange creme. It’s actually strange because I’ve noticed that Manner wafers cost more in grocery stores than at the actual Manner shop. When you’re done touring St.Stephan’s Cathedral, I recommend stopping by the Manner shop right next to it for a snack. You will not leave disappointed.
8. Palatschinken
No, it does not contain ham (Schinken). Palatschinken are flat pancakes similar to a french crepe. For this pancake, you probably should not put butter and maple syrup on top. Instead, once again consider the perennial favorite Austrian filling marille (apricot). After seeing the word marille at least six times in this post, this should come as no surprise. After they are rolled, it’s best to sprinkle a layer of powdered sugar on top.
9. Kaiserschmarrn
Kaiserschmarrn translates to “Emperor’s Mess” in English. This dish’s name derives from Austrian emperor, Kaiser Franz Joseph I, who loved this delicacy. It is a fluffy, shredded pancake (almost) that can be prepared in a numerous of ways. Traditionally, raisins soaked in rum are added to the Kaiserschmarrn just before cooking. When finished, it is sprinkled with powdered sugar and fruit compotes, such as plum jam.
10. Sacher Torte
Last but not least: the Sacher Torte. I admit I have only had this delicious treat once (due to how expensive it can be). This chocolate torte can is typically sold in Hotel Sacher and in other little cafes around Vienna. It is two layers of soft and light chocolate cake separated by apricot jam (once again) and coated with a chocolate icing. This is one dessert you don’t want to miss.
Some of these suggestions are not diet-friendly, but I have no regrets. I’m glad I’m getting the chance to learn about another culture through new foods. And who doesn’t love food? It makes me cringe when I think about returning to American fast foods in less than four months. The first thing I’m doing when I get back to Chicago is search for Austrian foods!
Love it ❤️
Anastasia, thanks for sharing the culinary landscapes of Austria. Some I was familiar with and others I was very surprised about like Almdudler. Your descriptions were very insightful and am glad that you have been open to trying all of these types of food. Now I need to learn how to make some of these!
I’m definitely up for # 8 and # 9. Sounds delicious. Traveling the world brings a sense of closeness when you realize these foods are in other countries under different names
A great education and fabulous blog all in one. So happy I read this!!!! Most enjoyable!
Lecker! Lecker!
Sorry your blog wasn’t read (by me) before today! Wow now I’m really hungry! Well done! I’m glad that you decided to give your taste buds a little treat of meat , too. I try not to eat too much, but I do love it! I make a mandel bread with roasted nuts, raisins, and then filled with apricot jam that everyone seems to like. When you
come home, I’ll make some for you and the family!
Glad that you sound happy and well adjusted in your present surroundings! Know that you are missed and loved
by me!
Big hugs, cousin Diane xxxxx
PS I knew one person ifrom Vienna. She came to the south side of Chicago, on a student program similar to yours. At the time , she was about 18. She lived with my boyfriend’s parents who were both doctors. Their last name was Adler and hers was Katy Springer. I will never forget her and remember her as a lovely, pretty, adventurous spirit. That was almost 50 years ago! Wouldn’t it be something if you could find her?