Take 5: Living in Denmark with Maria Guerriere

Home » Take 5: Living in Denmark with Maria Guerriere
Take 5: Living in Denmark with Maria Guerriere
Home » Take 5: Living in Denmark with Maria Guerriere
by Samuel Tew
3 min read
Posted September 24, 2018

Welcome to Take 5, an interview where Greenheart Travel alumni answer five uncommon questions about their time abroad. For the first installment of the series, we’ve reached out to Maria Guerriere, who completed our High School in Denmark program.


1. When is the first time you feel like you made a friend?

The first time I feel like I made a good friend connection was the first time I went after school with some of the girls in my class. They invited me to go ice skating, but even though I knew I couldn’t skate, I went anyway just so I could spend time with them. I rented a pair of skates, and my friends held my hands and helped me up after I fell on the ice so many times. It was a great afternoon of laughter, and I feel like it brought us closer and it was the night that started the friendships.

2. Biggest laugh with your host family?

I had a lot of laughs with my host family. It’s hard to decide which the biggest one was, so I think I’ll answer the question, “What was one of the memorable laughs you had with your host family?”

One funny moment that comes to mind is when my host mom had me try Danish licorice for the first time. She gave me a piece of it, and I really didn’t like the taste, so I made a funny face. She thought it was funny because she loves it! After that, if I got licorice, I would give it to her!

3. Favorite Danish junk food?

My favorite Danish junk food is this candy bar called Daim! You can’t buy it in American stores, and it is my favorite candy I’ve ever tried. The middle is hardened caramel, and it’s coated with chocolate. I would make Daim ice cream with it, and eat it plain. It was amazing.

4. Most awkward moment?

I had a lot of awkward moments in Denmark. I think the most awkward times were when people would say something to me in Danish, and it would take me a long second to think, or I wouldn’t get it at all. Though I learned from those awkward times, and it did improve my Danish.. it made me feel a bit slow sometimes!

5. Danish aspect you wish US Americans would adopt?

A Danish aspect I wish more Americans would adopt would be something called “hygge” It is basically quality time with people that you care about. It can include a snack, a movie, great conversations, a big fluffy blanket… whatever you think is cozy!

Click the link below to find out how you can experience High School in Denmark!

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