
Making the Team Across the Atlantic

Making the Team Across the Atlantic

Our Greenheart Travel high school abroad participant, Rachel Ainsworth, makes the paper in France. Studying abroad as an exchange student, Rachel has been a part of the school soccer team and had a feature in the paper highlighting her participation. Below is the excerpt and translation:

La réputation de l’ ERN aurait-elle franchi les frontières jusqu’ en Outre- Atlantique ? Trêve de plaisanterie , nous sommes heureux d’accueillir dans la section féminine Rachael AINSWORTH , lycéenne à BESANCON au Lycée Pergaud et qui vient de signer comme gardienne de but dans notre club . Née à SALT LAKE CITY , capitale de l’ UTAH , Rachael a été parfaitement intégrée par ses coéquipières et fait déjà le bonheur par sa volonté et ses qualités de footballeuse de son entraineur Jean-Philippe SCHROTER.

Will ERN’s (where ERN is the soccer club, I presume) reputation cross the Atlantic?  Joking aside, we’re happy to welcome Rachael Ainsworth, a high schooler from Besancon at the Lycee Pergaud who has just signed on as goalie in our soccer club.  Born in Salt Lake City, the capital of Utah, Rachael easily integrated into her team and has already been a delight due to her dedication to the game and her excellent qualities as a soccer player thanks to her trainer Jean Philippe Schroter.

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