I’ve only been studying abroad in Ireland for a little over a week, but I already have routines that come to me as easily as breathing. It feels like just yesterday that I was exploring my town on google earth and now it feels like I’ve lived here forever. Sometimes I think that I’m dreaming, but then I remember that rain doesn’t feel this cool or refreshing in my mind. Five months can seem like an eternity to study abroad, but then it feels like too short a time to experience everything this place has to offer.
Even though my mind is full of contradictions, I can definitely say that these are the top 10 things I love about Castleisland:
- My host family and how the refer to me as ‘love’
- The short walk to school that wakes me up in the morning and gives me energy after a long day at school
- School that starts at 9:00, so I can get 8 hours of sleep even if I go to bed at 11
- How the grass, in fact all plant life, is a vibrant green
- The roaring fire in our living room every night
- The candy shops with old-fashioned wood shelves filled with jars of candy that you can order by weight
- A 45 minute lunch break with plenty of time to head into town and chat with friends
- Soaps (the shows, not the cleaning kind) that everyone avidly watches
- The tea, and the electric kettle that has hot water ready in just a few minutes
- The rain! Yes, I even love waking up to and walking through a slight mist almost every day
Read more about Emily’s time in Ireland on her blog…
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