So far, studying abroad in Spain has been absolutely incredible. I have seen so many amazing places and cities. The people I have come in contact with are so helpful and friendly. This trip is changing my life and I still have a month left.
When I first arrived in Spain I was very nervous. It is difficult to go somewhere where you don’t know a single person and don’t speak the language very well. After meeting my host family I felt a lot more relaxed and confident. My host parents are very sweet and I fit in with my family well.
I have a host sister named Nuria who is the same age as me. I love having a sister now and am thankful to have Nuria. I arrived in Spain at a time when there was a holiday going on. It is called Carnival. I am not sure if it is celebrated all throughout Spain, but where I am living it was a big deal. Over a weekend in February everyone dresses up in crazy costumes and has fun with their friends. The costumes were absolutely crazy. I saw people dressed up as Hello Kitty, Indians, Peacocks, Disney characters and lots of other crazy people. Nuria and her friends and I were Smurfs. We even painted our faces blue.
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