The Personal and Academic Impact of Studying Abroad in High School

Home » The Personal and Academic Impact of Studying Abroad in High School
The Personal and Academic Impact of Studying Abroad in High School
Home » The Personal and Academic Impact of Studying Abroad in High School
by Samuel Tew
2 min read
Posted June 24, 2016

Studying abroad in high school takes a lot of planning, both personally and academically, and can seem a bit daunting in the beginning. To help ease the minds of those looking into a high school program overseas, we asked Isabel Wolfer, an alumna of the High School Abroad Sweden program, to host our recent Personal and Academic Impact of Study Abroad webinar.

Isabel shared how her study abroad program has impacted her life personally; she still remains in close contact with host family members, friends, and even her Swedish high school teachers to this day. Studying abroad also had a huge academic impact on Isabel and has helped her navigate her studies at George Washington University.

While some would argue that studying abroad can disrupt credits and getting into college, Isabelle inspired our viewers with a different experience. Because of her class work in Sweden on Genocide Theory, Isabelle advanced into upper level classes in college in the field of genocide and passivity during the Holocaust. She is now receiving $5,000 in funding for a research project at Yale University.

Are you ready to study abroad but need some reassurance?

Check out the webinar hosted by alumna, Isabel Wolfer, and get inspired to start your study abroad adventure!

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