Today marks 2 and a half weeks that I have been in Thailand. I feels much longer considering how much soap and money I have gone through! Things could not be better though! I am surrounded by great friends and beautiful scenery. Since my last update we have been very busy in our TESOL course. Most days we just present lesson plans in front of each other and give feedback about the content/presentation. We break for lunch and walk down the street where we have yummy food. The local 7-11 also provides good snacks and drinks!! 🙂 We are fortunate to have a songtaew that takes us to/from school everyday, which is so helpful for the sake of hygiene and the wallet. We are getting well in to our course now. Today, we worked at a English camp where I taught 4 year olds with Madison (a fellow teacher in my group). We had a blast and just enjoyed all the smiles/hugs we received from the kiddos. The children were so beautiful and inspiring. Pictures will be uploaded soon. The thing I love about 4 year olds: they say exactly what they are thinking. We played all kinds of games and taught them vocabulary words. The theme at the camp is “Under the Sea” so you can only imagine the cuteness and fun that came along with that!!
Another update: I have accepted a job!! I will be working in Ayutthaya, Thailand. Ayutthaya is small historical city located about an hour north of Bangkok! I will be teaching at a learning center as well as a public elementary school. I am very excited about this opportunity and the location! I looked at photos and have heard good things about the city. All is well and I am really enjoying my time here.
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