Home » 25 Reasons Why You Should Teach English in Thailand
2 min read
Posted July 7, 2014

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Check out some of our most inspiring Greenheart Travel instagrammers living and teaching English in Thailand right now!


Ayy u boys thirsty?

You are the story you tell yourself to be. Do you know what you’re telling yourself? #infinite

Beep beep neighbors #thailand

Happy elephant days #rantong #elephants #thailand #chang

Chillin with the students #thailand #teacher

Lunch break sunbathe with new pal Milk

Scenic views dont get much better than this //weekend escapes

Absolutely amazing day with my thai mother! Love her so freaking much!
My kids trying to wai + show off the craziii hair !

This beach. Photo cred dtaylor

Wai Kru Day! #thailand
Flying across Koh Lidee. #thatbackflopthough

School, temple in background, picture of king & queen, thai flag, crazy clouds and sticky air ✔✔ all that’s missing are the stray dogs that hang out it in my classroom sometimes

Something pretty special and intense to see– at the morning assembly the students Wai (bow) in unison on the field. Seeing 5,000 people do this at once is unbelievable #thailand #ayutthaya #prayer #wai #intense #special #students

Sunday afternoon canyon swim!

Day twenty nine: Park time with my favorite kids. @greenheart_travel #100happydays

she said, “teacher! here I will teach you.” too bad I’m tone deaf. very cool instrument though. #waikhru #sakolraj #thailand #khim

“we live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. there is no end to the adventures we can have if we only seem them with our eyes open”

My kind of ice cream truck

Selfie w a monkey!!!

Today i was greeted with teacher i love you. Their first english sentence ❤️

Thinkin of #bangkok days, #temple things and super #sweat #bkk #watpho #templeattire #highfashion

You see this a lot in Thailand and Laos, grandmother and grand baby hanging out, every generation lives together under one roof, usually a store in the front of the house and beds in the back of the house. Vientiane, Laos, June 2557 (Buddhist calendar)


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