Home » A Few of My Favorite Austrian Foods
by Marjorie McVay
3 min read
Posted January 23, 2014

There are so many aspects of Austria’s culture and country that I will miss. . .  one being the FOOD. I have thoroughly enjoyed being introduced to the delicious Austrian cuisine. Meat and potatoes are not the only options here!!! I have tried multiple delectable dishes. Almost everything is made with natural ingredients and from scratch! No canned peas here. A few of my favorites. . .

Käsnudel: a dumpling filled with sharp cheese curds. But its taste is much more divine than the simplicity of its name. It is often topped with melted butter and herbs.



Germknödel mit Vaniliesauce und Mohn: warm, soft, doughy bread covered in vanilla sauce or butter and poppy seeds. The inside of the bread is filled with a sweet marmalade. This tastes heavenly while sitting by the fire after a long day of skiing in the Alps.

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Käse Spätzle: this is one of my favorite entrees. This dish consists of soft Spatzle noodles (homemade egg-noodles) with melted cheese and sautéed onions. Absolutely delicious.

Käse Späztle


Lebkuchen: Gingerbread cookies! Christmas in Austria would not be the same without Lebkuchen. Often topped with nuts such as almonds, Lebkuchen are an essential item to be sold in the festive Austrian Christmas markets. These homemade delicacies are just as beautiful as they are tasty.



Wiener Schnitzel! This is the national dish of Austria. It’s a thin, breaded and deep-fried, boneless meat which is often eaten with potatoes and ketchup.

weiner schnitzel


And OF COURSE Jausnen: this cold assortment of breads, meats, cheeses, spreads, and vegetables serves as a snack or small meal. There seems to be an infinite amount of cheese, meat, and bread types here. Horse radish, yummy mustards, and homegrown herbs are commonly included too. You can chose to put whichever meats with whichever cheeses and whichever spreads and vegetables, so its basically like a giant mix-and-match buffet. Still trying to find a way to smuggle some Jausnen with me into the States. . . (My apologies if you’re a vegetarian)



In addition to the above specialties, I have also enjoyed:

  1. Maroni: roasted chestnuts! In the fall and during Christmas time, stands selling Maroni flood the city streets. The smell of these sweet nuts will forever remind me of Christmastime in Austria.
  2. Leberkässemmel: though the literal translation is “liver-cheese”, this sandwich contains neither liver nor cheese. While I’m not quite sure which meat this snack actually contains, it’s mouth-watering and served on a warm roll with spicy mustard.
  3. Mozartkugel: this sweet originated in Salzburg in 1890 and is named after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This nougat coated in dark chocolate with a pistachio marzipan center can be found almost anywhere in Austria. Some traditional companies still produce these individually by hand using the original recipe.
  4. Kärtner Bienenhonig: Kärten, the Austrian state I live in, is specially known for its honey. Bee farms produce the freshest, sweetest honey. The honey is often eaten with bread and butter for breakfast. I’m hoping to bring a jar back to Michigan with me. . . Or ten.

Food is a very important aspect of the Austrian culture. The Austrians pride themselves on their healthy, fresh, enticing cuisine! I anticipate no longer having an appetite for the canned vegetables and fluffy bread in the U.S. I have loved every new food I’ve tried (with the exception of liver), and I hope to bring a little bit of this cuisine back home with me. . .  a little bit of Austria.

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