In Sweden rainy Sundays are lazy Sundays and great days for catching up on blogging and getting some homework done. Since I’m constantly trying to decipher Swedish and learn new words all day at school, by the weekends I am exhausted and just want to sleep! This makes keeping my eyes open long enough to write a post and having the brain power to do so much harder than it should be.
Friday started with an easy class at school and was followed by some tea, leftover birthday cake, and checking my emails while sitting out on the porch to savor the last few days of summer.
Mamma and I have found that Fridays are excellent days for baking so we went down to the store to pick up so ingredients for a nice Swedish cheesecake. However, we failed to realize that it had to be in the freezer for four hours so our excitement was deflated slightly, but only temporarily!
Mamma though of a great way to beat the system by putting a little bit in four muffin cups so that they would hopefully be ready sooner. Since we were already in the kitchen, we thought we might as well start on dinner so got to cooking lasagna. We paired the lasagna with some cucumber and finished with our perfect little cheesecakes, some kiwi, and tea.
I was in the mood to work on my Swedish so Mamma and I sat at the table talking verbs and body parts and working on my pronunciation. When Ebba got home, we played a few games of cards until I could not keep my eyes open for another minute and then headed off to bed.
Saturday, I slept in pretty late but it was some much needed rest so I was ready for the weekend. We decided it was a nice day for a picnic so we packed up the car and took a drive to a nice area by the water, however it was not very good picnic water there. It was quite cloudy, windy, and rainy, but that’s typical Swedish weather so it didn’t stop us.
Pappa made a fire while Mamma picked some plant stems for us to use as sticks. We roasted our own hot dogs around the cozy fire all tucked inside raincoats. We cleared the rain and got back home around 2:30 where we decided to relax on the couch, indulge in some fika (our cheesecake and raspberries), and watch an action packed James Bond movie.
Some of my friends from school then invited me to go to dinner down in Stockholm so I met them at the train station and we all rode together. We ate outside at TGI Fridays which was great because it was super nice weather and the menu was in both Swedish and English! When our bellies were stuffed and satisfied, we walked to my friend’s new apartment in Stockholm Södre, stopping along the way to get some Swedish candy. We sat around the table talking, listening to music, drinking tea, and sharing candy for a few hours before Mamma and Pappa came to pick me up.
Kinder Surprise is actually a hollow chocolate egg with a toy in the middle! My Swedish friends loved watching me try it for the first time.
This morning, had planned to go to a big market that happens once a year, but the weather was so bad that we decided to just stay in. I plan to work on some Swedish, finish some homework, and play a few games of cards, all while still in my pajamas. Not much is happening this week but next weekend, I’m headed to DENMARK!! My organization has put together an orientation for all the Scandinavian exchange students and I’m so excited. I can’t wait to meet all the other exchange students and hear their stories!
Ta ta for now!
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