Home » A Tribute to the Moms and Women Who Have Supported Us on Our Travels
by Samuel Tew
6 min read
Posted May 12, 2013

Greenheart Travel is celebrating Mother’s Day with a tribute from our featured bloggers and staff, thanking their incredible mother’s and women in their lives whom have supported their travel adventures. So from all of us, we want to say THANK YOU for allowing us to grow and giving all of us the un-ending support and encouragement to become our best selves.

Read on to be inspired by the wonderful mothers and women who have helped our Greenheart Travel staff and bloggers become brave globetrotters and compassionate world citizens.

Anna Kacyn Labat – Greenheart Travel Director

“I adore my Mom and sister tremendously. Whenever an important (or not so important) event occurs, both my Mom and my sister are ALWAYS there to support me.  That love and support has inspired me to stay strong, passionate and sure of my convictions.  They’ve also taught me patience and love for others.  I feel so lucky!”


Deniece – Greenheart Travel Language Exchange Homestay participant in Spain

“My good friend Corinne is a dream chaser and she has always encouraged me to do the same, no matter the endeavor.  To her, if you can imagine it, then you can make it so.  And as “I dreamed myself around the world a thousand times,” she’s simply said, “Go!”.  Through her constant support and friendship, I am challenged to do just that, and for this I am grateful.”


Hope Pavich – Greenheart Travel High School Abroad Program Manager

There are many women in my life that have helped me grow into who I am today. Real change occurs through the discomfort of travel, and my friend Calix Vu-Bui taught me how to embrace that truth . Every interaction with her, whether it be in the shelters of Taiwan or the beaches of Hawaii,  provides a fresh perspective and new insight.

My sister Anastasia Pavich is a solid example of a strong woman. Stacy empowers others to be their best self.  Without her confidence in me,  I never would have had the guts to travel.

My friend, Kim Norton, was the one who kicked my travel bug in gear. She is a phenomenal representation of the amazing people you meet when shoved out of your comfort zone.

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Janna Elwell – Greenheart Travel Volunteer in Chile

“I would love to share this photo of me and my younger sister, Ellen. She is incredible when it comes to supporting me in everything that I do, for better or for worse. We often talk about everything we both want to accomplish in our lives, and help motivate each other to achieve those goals. I push her to exceed her limits, and she does the same for me. I truly feel so lucky to have such an inspiring sister!”


Jennifer Salvador – Greenheart Travel Short Term Programs Manager

“This is my mom, Frances Scott. She is the strongest, most independent woman I know and she has always instilled in me that, as a woman, I am capable of doing anything that I want to do.”


Jill Robinson – Greenheart Travel Social Media Manager

My mom, Lori, has been an amazing example of strength, courage and positivity in my life. She has supported me in my love for travel, even if it meant I would be away from home for months at a time. Her confidence in me and my passions has given me strength I never knew I could have, and without her cheering me on along the way, I don’t know if I would have have had the independence to take the travel adventures that I have. Thank you Mom!!!!


Julie Mitchiner – Greenheart Travel Volunteer in South Africa

“My sister, Sarah, was a huge inspiration and supporter of my trip to Africa.  She is fearless when it comes to traveling and trying new things and has spent a semester in Copenhagen as well as a year in Lyon, France working as an au pair.  She embraces other cultures and was such a positive example of extended international travel. This is us in Paris.”

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Kate Sisk – Greenheart Travel Language Exchange Homestay Participant in Thailand

“Even though my mom never travelled, I got the bug from somewhere.  So whenever I told her about my dreams to study and work in London, live with a Thai family in Chiang Mai, or build homes in Guatemala, I’m surprised she didn’t think I was just dreaming.  Her belief in me made me believe in myself and I am so grateful I had her support as I accomplished all those dreams! My travel even inspired her to travel with me!”

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Lauren Bauer – Greenheart Travel Teach Abroad Program Manager

“Anita Bauer (my mom!) has been a huge influence in my identity as a traveler. Whenever I came to her with my next crazy plan for adventures abroad, she never smothered me with worry and overprotectiveness. In fact, she always encouraged me to go, make the most out of every day and experience. Her support has allowed me to jump into each experience without fear and continue to pursue unique, independent travel experiences. To this day, she is still inspiring me with her adventurous spirit, love of travel (and food!) by moving to Australia by herself for two whole years! It doesn’t hurt that I get to go visit her in Melbourne, either. Here are some photos of us along the Great Ocean Road this January.”

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Nathaniel McIntosh – Greenheart Travel Volunteer in Peru

“My mother has always inspired and encouraged me to love and experience the joy of living life to the fullest.  She wants me to do everything I can and want to do and supports me in every aspect of this endeavor.”


Sara Dorsey – Greenheart Travel Program Associate for Teach Abroad  programs

“My mom, Kathy, has always supported me in my decisions and really pushed me to follow my heart. She taught me to take risks and really live life to it’s fullest potential. It’s hard and nerve-racking as a mother to watch your kids travel to far away places, but she was always my biggest supporter and even came to visit me in Asia.”

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Sarah Gourevitch – Greenheart Travel High School Exchange Student in Austria

“My mom has supported me through every step of my study abroad–from supporting my decision, to adding essentials (the ones that only a mother thinks of) to my packing list, to always being there to offer a listening ear (even if it’s over Skype!).  Thanks Mom, and happy mother’s day!”

S.Gourevitch's Mom

Zoey Haar – Greenheart Travel High School Exchange Student in Spain

“My mother is my number one inspiration. She inspired me to travel and discover myself through her endless love and encouragement. She has supported me in every decision I’ve ever made (even leaving home for a year at fifteen!), and has always shown me how to be the best me I can be. I could never have made it through my year in Spain without her letters, care packages, and much-needed Skype sessions. Thank you, Mom, for everything you do and continue to do to help me grow.”

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