Home » A Week in the Life During Orientation in Hua Hin, Thailand
by Samuel Tew
5 min read
Posted July 23, 2014

Ever wondered what our orientation week for our Teach English in Thailand Program is like? Let our past participant Kara walk you through her week in Hua Hin- with a little help from our participant’s photos!

Hua Hin is the perfect introduction to Thailand: warm weather, beautiful beaches, massive night markets and fresh pineapple on every corner is just the start of it.

You’ll arrive in Hua Hin from Bangkok stuffed in a van with 6 of your newest friends along with everything each of you owns. If you’re lucky enough (like my new bff’s and I were), you’ll get the party van that was equipped with active disco lights and a driver who blasted American pop for the entire three hour ride.

You will arrive at the hostel and go to your separate rooms to unpack. You might take this opportunity alone to take a breather and then pinch yourself and question your sanity, “Did I seriously just move half-way across the world, what is wrong with me?” This will be short lived as you will immediately want to leave the hostel to explore your new home with your new friends.

Most of the week will be spent getting to know the other teachers in your group along with the wonderful in-country staff, comprised of Michael, Paang, Danny and Jaco in the classroom. Michael will give you the down-low on Thai politics and history (he really knows his stuff). Paang is Michael’s wife and is the middle woman between you and your future job.  She is usually in the background and on the phone with schools and agents working hard to place you where you’ll be happy.  She will pull you aside periodically to speak with you about your job offers and is so incredibly sweet. Jaco is pretty much your spiritual guide who has an insane life story and you will want him to be your best friend. He will give you the tough love you need to enjoy Thailand the way it should be enjoyed. Keep an open mind, be happy, confront your fears, embrace every experience and learn from it, “Happy days!” Danny will be your team leader; he will get the group where it needs to go and is a great resource to answer any question you have. He is so easy to talk to and always available.

When you are not in class hearing about the Thai way of life, you will be out living it. One day, after going to a farm to pick fresh pineapples, you will head to the Hutsadin Elephant Foundation to feed rescued elephants, including an 88-year old gal who was used in WWII to help clear the jungle. Baby elephant Songkran will play you the song of his ancestors on a harmonica and you will die from cuteness overload.

You will learn how to kick ass the Muay Thai way and you will get exposed to the art of bargaining at the night market (start learning your Thai numbers now!). You will receive a blessing from a monk at a Buddhist temple and get your first Thai fortune. You will have a perpetual sweat mustache and will learn that a meal isn’t really real unless you need to blow your nose multiple times before the last spicy bite.

Before everyone heads off to their placements or starts their TESOL course, you will have a going-away BBQ on the beach to end your first week in Thailand. This is another instance where you will pinch yourself but this time you will ask yourself, “Seriously, why didn’t I do this sooner?” You will already be infected with the Thai bug and you will be in love.

Check out even more of our participant photos from their orientation week in Hua Hin:
Elephant selfies 🙂 At an elephant sanctuary in huahin

These girls are so much fun, glad I met them 🙂 #nofilter #thailand

Nightly rooftop chills with the group:) #routine #huahin #futureteachers #newfriends #rooftop

This is my friend. She’s an elephant. #elephanthugs

Moi thai in Thailand – boxing

Monkey mountain. #huahin #travel #thailand #buddha #beautiful #beach #rocks #landscape #monkeys #cool

what a day #stolenpicture #sorrynotsorry #palauwaterfalls #thailand

Big Buddha big Buddha big Buddha. Oh yeah, big Buddha.

Paradise found. Photo cred by Jeanachy

TESOL English camp. collective nouns. 6 classes. boom. #huahintedsaban #theywereexcitedabouttheselfie #agroupofwolvesisapack

Selfies with these beauties

My life does not seem real, Thailand is amazing

Keep an open mind — one of the first lessons I’ve learned in Thailand

Buddhist temple by the sea #thailand #buddhism #travel #happydays

Pineapple farm #pineapple #huahin #thailand

#meditation #thailand

Feeding pineapples to this beauty at the Hutsadin Elephant Foundation. She’s 87 years old and helped clear jungle to help with transportation during WWII.

“Songkran” the rescue elephant at Hutsadin Elephant Foundation which works to give a home to abused and abandoned elephants #mynewboo #babyelephant #thailand #inlove

Me, Ellen, and Ricky visiting a Buddhist temple

Night market in Hua Hin a few weeks ago with @eholland772 #notatouristanymore #almostfriday!

The view from my apartment in Hua Hin for the next month. You can see the ocean woooo #thailand #huahin #ocean #rooftops #sunset #tropical #hot #travel

This is amazing #huahin #temple #om


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