Crawfish Round three? Normally, Swedes eat crawfish about once a year during August. Since arriving in Sweden, I have already had this twice and this past weekend we ate it again!
Yesterday morning, Momma, Pappa, and I started off the day by going to the gym for my first time! We took a great class called The Circle Room where you and a partner go to 16 different stations, each for about 40 seconds, and then have 10 seconds to rest and switch before starting the next station. I plan to take this class a lot more before I leave!
After we got back home, we showered and relaxed for a few hours before getting in the car to go crawfish fishing! We went to the house of my host mom’s parents oldest friends, which was on a small lake about an hour away from us. Along the way, we picked up my uncle who lives in central Södertälje and stopped by the grocery store for some things for dinner.
Once at the house, we started by going down to the dock and baiting and putting together all the cages. Then my uncle, Ebba, and I went out in a little row boat along the shore of the lake and placed the cages in the shallow water. Then, all we could do was wait!
We went up to the house and cooked a nice dinner of salmon, boiled potatoes, some salad, and a Swedish baguette. I think I ate half of the baguette myself because it was the best bread I have ever had!! We had a dessert of fruit salad and vanilla ice cream and then just talked until about midnight when it was time to see what we had caught!
Our catch!
My uncle, Ebba, Pappa, and I went back into the row boat and pulled up all the cages, which had a good amount of crawfish in them! We loaded up the car, said our goodbyes, and headed home for some sleep.
This morning, we took all the crawfish out of the bathtub where we had stored them overnight and started to boil them for tonight’s dinner. Mamma and I decorated the porch for our guests and waited for them to arrive. We had some time to kill so Mamma said I could go down and pick up some Fika from the supermarket. This was my first time ever going to the store alone.
Boiling the crawfish, they turned from black to bright red.
Even with only eight of us this time, we still managed to eat all the crawfish and the baguette followed by a nice dessert of tea and Daim cake (Daim, pronounced like dime, is a Swedish chocolate candy). We talked a little longer, answering questions about how school was going and how I liked Sweden, before they left. We cleaned up and now I am headed off to bed so I can get a good night sleep before school tomorrow. By the way, I don’t start until 10:50 on Mondays!!
God natt!
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