Home » An Awesome Weekend in Seoul
by Sarah Gourevitch
7 min read
Posted July 6, 2014

Yeah. I know. It’s been over 2 weeks since I’ve updated the blog. At school I am constantly making materials for my co-teacher. It seems never-ending.

A couple of weekends ago, we had a long weekend, so some friends and I went up to Seoul. This trip to Seoul was absolutely magnificent. Seriously. It almost made me want to move to Seoul. Great food. A lot more diversity than in Daejeon. Great places to visit.

We stayed at this great hostel that the other girls had found. The best part about this hostel was the restaurant right near it. It was SO good. Like SO good. Better than IHOP and Denney’s. The owner had all of his employees actually spent a couple of weeks in America to learn how to make American breakfasts. Well it worked.

I got the same thing every morning. I ordered it the first morning, and it was so good that I just continued to get it. Eggs, bacon, hash browns, and a Belgian waffle.

Check out everyone on their cell phones. Except the old dude in the middle who is asleep.

I was trying to be nonchalant while taking a picture of this girl in her bandages who had just plastic surgery. She’s the one in the hat reading the paper.

But it didn’t work. So I just took a regular picture. We saw several people with bandages such as these. Plastic surgery is very common in South Korea, particularly in Seoul. One person told me it was as much as 50% of all people get plastic surgery, with getting more Western eyelids being the most popular.

Selfies on the subway. You just have to when you’re in Korea!

 Awesome. Socks with sandals.

Check out this boy’s hair. He got a perm. Boys and men get perms here. And to me it just looks funny.

We went to the Seoul Arts Center museum to see this famous artist’s collection.

You don’t need to get a stroller for your kid. Just get a Mini Cooper!

We started to wait in this line to go inside one of the big bubbles.

And met these adorable girls who spoke perfect English.

We enjoyed talking to them. Aren’t they adorable?

I LOVED these dogs!

While taking pictures, I met this little guy and his parents. I love meeting little kids here. I love to see them wave and smile at me.

These are two typical Koreans. Doesn’t get any better than this.

Heading into the dot room. We had to take off our shoes to enter.

These are my 3 dots that I get to place in the room.

Check out the dot rooms. SO. MANY. DOTS. They had it set up like an apartment with a dining room table, a desk, a couch, and a TV.

The black light room.

The bathroom signs. I thought they were quite cute.

A really cool bridge near the museum.

Hey look! A Texas Rangers hat! Koreans love the Texas Rangers because there is a South Korean playing for the team, Shin-Soo Choo. A lot of times when I say I’m from Texas, they say, “Oh, Texas Rangers!”

Check out the swanky Plastic Surgery Center. Many of them looked like fancy hotels.

Walking around town and going shopping.

An ad for plastic surgery

Couple shirts. Actually couple outfits.

So, there haven’t been many Korean men that I have found attractive. Just being honest. So when I see a Korean man that I find attractive, I take note. I saw this guy on the subway and immediately took note. I told the girls to check him out, and we were all oogling. Yep. Oogling. So I just ha to take a picture. Btw…it’s the guy at the far end in the gray t-shirt, black shorts, and a black backpack. He’s also tall, which is not very common here.

There was this cafe near our hostel. If you were there by yourself, you could have a teddy bear eat with you so you wouldn’t have to be alone. Is that cute or what?

Now off to the princess cafe. We had read about it on a blog and just had to go.

The princess cafe is a little cafe where you can rent and wear a traditional Korean hanbok or a wedding dress for an hour and take pictures. These girls are from Singapore.

The bookstore of accessories.

 Look at those fancy wedding dresses.

While choosing what to wear, we drank our awesome shakes. The oreo cookie one was so good.

Rachel and Amber chose to wear hanboks.

While we were there, there were 2 other Korean couples that were dressed up in their wedding attire. What a fun date that would be!

Since I had already gotten dressed up in a hanbok, I chose a wedding dress like Saree.

Saree had to be corseted in this dress and was almost not able to breathe.

Yeah, I think she loved it.

We even had the throwing of the bouquet. We practiced it several times to get some good pictures.

Forget the veil. Just wear a Minnie Mouse headband!

 This is the second couple. Aren’t they adorable?

The girls who work there. One of them admitted to me that she loved her job. Who wouldn’t?

Walking around the Hongdae area at night

At the Travel Maker restaurant at breakfast the next day, we met this sweet couple from Oregon who have lived in Seoul for 6 years. She told us about this secret place to buy purses wholesale. Um, yes please!

I bought a purse from a lady and look what she was playing on her phone….Candy Crush!

She was so sweet. She even gave me a Mango juice box.

Rachel and Amber left us to go get tickets for their big K-Pop concert that night, so Saree and I explored Seoul on our own.

We found this unexpected beautiful chandelier in the underground.

We went to this outdoor shopping area to chill and relax for the afternoon.

For dinner, we called our Oregon friends and asked for a recommendation for dinner. They ended up meeting us and going out with us. We had THE best time with them!

I saw this and just knew it was the norebang that they went to on the Bachelor last season.

Praha (Prague) Castle

People was freaking out because apparently there was a famous Korean celebrity eating dinner there.

The big white dog (his dad is the owner of a shop nearby) meets a new little friend. They were so cute!

Our Oregon friends…

In Korea, you find older men and women collecting recycling and either carrying it, putting it on their bicycle, or putting it on their cart. I think they turn it in for money, but I’m not sure.

Saree and I were on the subway sitting down. I looked up to see this. Now what do YOU notice in this picture?

Notice the outside glass doors? Our Oregon friends told us that there used to be a great number of student suicides in Korea. The pressure on students is tremendous here. Students would jump on the tracks in front of the trains. So so sad.

 Now let’s see….would you like to use a Western toilet or a squat toilet? So not a hard question.

The “vending” machine outside the toilets in the subway

Saree and I go to the OEM church in Daejeon. So when in Seoul, we decided to visit the main OEM service in Seoul. Wow. What a big difference.

So many more people. MUCH better music. Like phenomenal music actually. A great sermon (who just happened to be a visiting pastor from Indiana who was here to lead their retreat). And diversity of people.

We definitely don’t see tall buildings like this in Daejeon.

I just love the look of this subway station.

 Like seriously love it. I don’t know why but I do.

Forgive me for all the pictures, but you know me. You know that I take a lot of pictures. Hope you enjoyed my awesome weekend in Seoul!

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