Home » Arrivederci Italia
by Molly Burtenshaw
3 min read
Posted January 6, 2015

Its over. The endless adventures, amazing food, unforgettable people, and the constant confusion. I know this is a cliche, but it is true that sometimes you dont know what you are missing until its gone. Everything that I thought I was ready to escape while being in Italy is exactly what I miss. Sitting through long dinners in complete Italian and having no idea what is going on, but trying so hard to figure it out. Having to try strange foods like raw hamburger meat and cow tongue. Heather and I getting lost almost everywhere we tried to go and no one knew how to help guide us in the right direction. Trying to communicate with the kids I was teaching and they would just look at me with blank stares. I just miss every single ounce of it!!! (minus the sun never coming out)

The best part about this experience is that I can say I did it. I went by myself scared shitless, thousands of miles from my comfort zone and dove straight into this new world. I loved every moment of it. The ups and the downs. I think the hardest part for me was adjusting to living with two different host families in which both of them spoke very little to no english. I overcame so many fears of mine and became a better person because of it. I have realized so many things that I worry about are so petty. It taught me to not let the small things in life get to me and to just live! The Italain carefree way of life has transformed me into a more easygoing person (okay…. maybe not completely but im trying!) I feel so lucky to have been given this opportunity to experience living in Italy and traveling to some of the most remarkable places in the world. To anyone who is considering going abroad to teach English after College I highly highly reccomend doing it! 

Now I am back home. Living in beautiful South Florida, but wishing I was looking out my window seeing the Alps covered with snow. The holidays have passed and its time for me to start putting the pieces of my life together. The job search has begun, but I secretly want to be back in Torino with hot chocolate in one hand and a cannoli in the other. 

Addio al mio amore <3

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