Home » Celebrating Easter at the Orphanage
by Sarah Gourevitch
3 min read
Posted May 1, 2014

Two Saturdays ago, I went with my friend, Alicia, to volunteer at the orphanage again. Kevin, the guy who is normally in charge, wasn’t able to be there for the whole time, so Alicia stepped up to the plate and volunteered to be in charge. You go girl!

Our theme this time was Easter. I love volunteering here, but it also makes me somewhat sad too because as a single woman, I would LOVE to adopt one of them, but Korea says no. In Korea, I cannot adopt as a single woman. Only married couples can adopt. AND you have to be married for at least 5 years. AND you can’t be older than 45 years old. So….even if I was to get married tomorrow, I still couldn’t adopt in Korea. I just turned 41 years old, and I’m still young dang it. I just don’t get it. Daejeon alone has 38 orphanages. 38 of them.

So I will continue to volunteer here, and then go home and start the proceedings to become a foster mom. God does know what he’s doing. He’s definitely prepared my heart for this.

Alicia and the translator are explaining how to make the Easter baskets out of paper plates. They turned out really cute!

Here they are making the Easter baskets.

This little one is the smallest one at the orphanage, and everyone adores him. You can easily see why, right? This lady is one of his caretakers (I think), and she is usually the one holding him when we are there. We had ribbons for the baskets, but she made his like a messenger bag.

Is he NOT adorable? After a few minutes, the ribbon fell around his middle so he was walking around, dragging the basket behind him. It was so cute.

And here is the little ham of the orphanage. He has SO much personality. He is the one who hit and kicked the last time we were there. He didn’t do that this time thank goodness. This kid has SO much energy. SO much energy.

“Check out my basket.”

Posing for the camera. Remember the beads from last month? They sure LOVE wearing those beads! We put some of the beads from last time in our supplies tub, so the kids found them again this time. The beads were a HUGE hit! Thank you so much Kelly for sending them!

“How many beads can I fit in my basket?”

Easter egg hunt!

Little Ham is blowing kisses. I know. Too cute. Like I said….such a big personality.

In line, ready to race.

Bunny hop races!

Relay races!

Leap frog races! The little ones needed help from the adults,and they were SO adorable.

Kevin showing off how high he can jump. Go Kevin!

After playing outside, we went back inside and sang songs. I led everyone in “Singin’ in the Rain”, which a FUN song with FUN motions that I learned back in my summer missionary days. The kids and the adults all loved it (several even came and told me personally that they loved it).

The activities didn’t take as long as we had thought, so we had time to create Easter eggs out of paper for the kids to decorate.

Someone’s tired…

Hope you enjoyed my pictures! Remember….I LOVE reading your comments!!! Hint hint…

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