On Christmas Eve, my school had a Christmas program. It started off with a middle school boys handbell choir. Boy, this game me BIG warm fuzzies because it immediately made me think of my mom ringing handbells at the handbell choir at church. She LOVED being a part of the handbell choir. I even had her buried with her handbell gloves, so she could play in the handbell choir in heaven. These handbells were very different than the handbells back home, but they sounded the same. Now can you see middle school boys in America play in the handbell choir? I think not.
Then a little skit by high school students. The girl in red is the cutest thing. She is so sweet and personable, and she’s not even my student.
These are students from my elementary classes. They are all blind.
The high school students danced with the blind students, and it was SO cute!
These are the youngest kiddos at our school. The girl in the middle is Gia, and I want to take her home with me. She is absolutely precious. She is the only student in kindergarten and therefore has her teacher (the lady standing behind her) all to herself. Every time I see her in the hallway, I say hi.
These are 2 of my students, and they are both blind. The boy is autistic as well and loves to move his hands and “direct” music. I love it.
He was getting down!
He got so into playing the drums that the drum set started to move. So a teacher came up and anchored it.
One of my middle school students.
OK…this guy was absolutely amazing! Turns out he is going to college to study opera music. He will do very well. I could have listened to him for hours.
Now for the “funny” part of the show. Apparently, Koreans LOVE the movie, Titanic. Like LOVE. So the students (and one of the teachers) put on a Titanic play. Now there were only 2 parts of this play that I recognized from the movie…when they hit the iceberg and when Jack died (although in their play a boy was leaning over Jack). I mean do you remember a water gun being in the Titanic? Cause I sure don’t!
I enjoyed it, especially considering I’ve never ever taught on Christmas Eve or even been at school.
Koreans don’t give Christmas gifts, but I wanted to give something to my co-teachers (all the teachers in the 1st floor office) and then something to my co-teacher, Gayong. I had bought a blanket to use at school and even had another small blanket that the previous teacher had left. About two months ago, Gayong asked to borrow them, and I never got to use them again. So Julie gave me the great idea of getting her a blanket for Christmas. And that is exactly what I did. She LOVED it!
She uses it every day now and constantly tells me how much she likes it. I did good.
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