My friend, Bridget, found out that I was going to be in Deagu for the weekend and asked if I wanted to join her on a dog walk for the shelter. My answer was YES, YES, YES!!!
I met Bridget at the shelter, the Korean Animal Protection Society, or ARK. Here is the shelter.
Here is some dog cages in the same lot. I thought they were part of the shelter and sat down and talked to and loved on one of the dogs, but I later found out they these dogs belong to someone else, and sadly they are not treated very well. No wonder why the dog loved the attention I gave him!
Is he not gorgeous?
He was the sweetest dog. Never barked. Just looked at my while I talked to him and gave me lots of licks. I hope I made his day better.
Now we are inside the shelter. Here are some small doggies…this first one just shivered and shivered. Apparently she is an old girl at about 13 years old.
Out in the “yard”…all these dogs stay together in their big kennel inside and then play together outside. They have friends which makes me feel good.
Now this one refused to be picked up…would run backwards when you tried. However, he/she (didn’t get the gender) LOVED to pose for pictures!
Bridget with one of the cuties. This one thumped the tail over and over when I talked to it.
How cute is this terrier?
Here is the one I fell in love with as the day went on…
See? Posing again!
Saying “hi”…
Gorgeous or what?
This man was not very bright although his heart was in the right place. He brought a couple of huge bones for the dogs to share. This caused almost fights between the big white dog and the little dogs and therefore had to be watched and separated.
Posing again! Beautiful markings…
The bigger dogs inside the shelter…
My little love…
Completely sacked out…
The dogs I took on the walk….all harnessed and ready to go!
Everyone waiting to leave…
Starting our walk…we walked the dogs through the city, to the park, and then around the park and back home again. It was absolutely wonderful. The goal of dog walks is to give the dogs some exercise, let the people know about the dogs in the shelter, and provide opportunities for people to meet the dogs and interact with them since many Koreans do not know how to interact with dogs and are fearful of them.
The little one in pink on the left kept laying down in the street on our walk.
This one got carried the whole time. Content as can be…
Are they not the cutest things ever?
The greyhound that’s at the shelter…they have someone in Canada that wants to adopt her, but she needs to be in a foster home for 4 weeks where she can gain some weight, get crate trained, and get her health certificate. I totally would if I wasn’t in my apartment. Many landlords here do not let you have dogs.
At senior citizen central, where they congregate and play games…
There are no words…
Beautiful fall leaves…
Someone wanted to be carried…
Meeting and interacting with new people…
Meeting more people…
And more people…
Gorgeous husky…
Bridget’s in love…
And so is the dog…
On our way back to the shelter, this car stopped to say “hi”.
Haha! We look like a couple adopting a baby. Too funny!
This was one of THE best days I’ve had in Korea. Walking around the city and in the park, with a friend, and with dogs….perfect combination. I can’t wait to do it again!
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