by Olivia S.
Hello! My name is Olivia. I’m 16 years old, from America and I am studying in the U.K. for a little over 5 months. I am living in a town in England called Lichfield, it is right outside of Birmingham. I have another exchange student staying in the house with me named Rachel, she is from Australia.
I arrived in England on September 5th, 2015. My host family is very nice and helpful when I get confused about things that are different then I am used to. My first day here there were two other exchange students staying with us for the day while their host family got back from their vacation. We went on a long walk and got to know our way around the town a bit. That night I slept so well, due to me have being been awake for over 24 hours!
On Saturday, Sara, my host mom, gave Rachel and I a guided tour through the town of Lichfield and showed us the cathedral that the town is known for.
Yesterday, Rachel and I caught the train for the first time into Birmingham (surprisingly we didn’t get ourselves lost!) We walked around and went shopping. We stopped in a café to get lunch, where I got a toastie (or a grilled cheese to Americans.) We also went into a shop called Poundland, which is like a dollar store, except everything is a pound not a dollar.
Candy in England is different then in America so we got some Freddo Frogs and Crunchies, two things I’ve never tried before. I was impressed with the Freddo Frogs, mostly because they were so cute!
Today I decided to start thinking about school starting up later this week so Rachel and I walked into town to go check out the uniform shop. I got myself a blazer and then we wanted to warm up from the cold weather that neither of us are very used to. We went to a cute coffee shop and I got a latte and Rachel a hot chocolate. On our way back to our home, we ended up getting lost, but eventually we got on a bus and made our way home!
Rachel took this picture of me when I wasn’t paying attention, this was while we were lost wondering around the town.
Tomorrow I have my school meeting with my councilor so I can decide on my classes. I don’t want summer to be over!
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