Home » FUN field trip!!
by Sarah Gourevitch
4 min read
Posted January 10, 2014

On Wednesday morning, I went on a field trip with the elementary classes.  It was one of THE best field trips I have ever been on.  It was SO much fun!

We went to O World in Daejeon, which an amusement park.  They have several different parts to the park, including flower world, rides, and a zoo.  We didn’t ride any rides, although a couple of them were open.  We were going sledding down a fake snow hill.  And it started snowing before we left, so that was pretty cool.

They may call it sledding here in Korea, but back home we would call it tubing.

You had to walk up these “stairs” which were difficult for the blind kiddos.  You got a tube and drug it up to the top of the snow hill.

These inner tubes were not necessarily designed for adults with normal sized booties.  My booty didn’t quite fit.  But I never fell out so that’s good.

We had been there for a while when a group of young children showed up.  They were so cute, but they sure did take a while getting up the hill.

After going up and down the hill 9 times (yes, I felt like a big kid), we went downstairs and had a snack of ramen noodles, crackers, and cookies.

All the rides looked sad in the winter.

In the afternoon, we had our older class.  One of the teachers sent his son to our class.  He is 9 years old and very smart.  Cute personality too.

Gayong had me start the class since she was going to be late.  I taught them Hot Potato, and they absolutely loved it.  We couldn’t stop laughing.  Gayong was SO surprised at how much fun they had that now she wants to truly work together next semester.  We shall see….

The guy in the blue is 27 years old and has a genetic eye disease.  He is coming back to school, particularly our blind school, so that he can go to college and become a special education teacher.  I’m not really sure why he had to come back to school when he has already graduated.

Some other pictures from this week…

I got a package from my sister!  Woo-hoo!  Here are the goodies I got…

One day, Gayong took her winter camp class and myself to this little coffee shop that is run by students with intellectual disabilities.  It is located in the school which is right next to ours.   It was really cool.

Walking into lunch one day, I saw two of my elementary school students holding hands.  Is that sweet or what?

So yesterday, I went to the hospital for my bi-weekly appointment.  In fact, I have good news to share.  My back is better, my hips are more aligned, and I don’t have to come twice a week anymore.  I only have to come once a week.  Woo-hoo!  Also, my doctor has noticed that there is a lot less fat around my waist.  Now that’s good news.

So back to my story, I had to walk 20 minutes to the subway station and then take the subway to the hospital.  It was cold.  Like really cold.  The temperature was 27 degrees, but it actually felt like it was 18 degrees.  So did I care that I wore brown boots with black pants?  Not.  One.  Bit.

Today was my last day of winter camp.  Yeah!  So in my 5th/6th grade class, we had a little party to celebrate.  We played balloon toss with rackets and then had shrimp pizza.  Yes, Domino’s has shrimp pizza.  I have never before in my life tried shrimp pizza, but it actually wasn’t bad.  It was a lot better than the potato pizza.

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