Home » Geoje and Yokiji Island Weekend.
by Maddie Fischer
6 min read
Posted May 24, 2014

My first mini vacation in Korea I went to Geoje and Yokiji Island with my friends. I had high expectations for the trip since it was the first trip that I was taking since starting the school year.

Right before the trip the coordinators of the trip changed the meeting time for the buses to an earlier time which caused a little bit of a problem for me. I was originally going to go in the morning of from my city but with the time change there wasn’t any trains going into the city. I emailed them telling them that I was going to be a little be late because of the change and it was okay with them. The night before I get an email saying that they couldn’t wait for me if i was later that X-amount of minutes. It caused a little bit of problems with me and long story short I went into Daegu a night earlier and crashed at Nicole’s place. (it was a bad sign from the very start of our trip).

The next morning we made our way  to the subway station so that we could make our way to the train station to get on the bus. Once on the bus we started to make out Geoje and arrived in the afternoon. We made a quick stop at a beautiful rest stop with was pretty breath taking.

selfie alert

The other bus carrying out dear friend Karen who departed from Seoul had and eta of 20ish mins after we got there so we waited for the other bus to start the different activities that they had arranged for us. Once Karen’s bus finally arrived and we were were all changed into our swim suits, we made our way down to the beach were we would do kayaking.

We changed into wet suits which i thought was weird for kayaking but actually worked out for us because the water was cold. We paired up and got ready to go! I suck at kayaking and I already knew that before when we were trying to pick our activities for the trip. But I’m not gonna be the loner with that doesn’t go along with their friends. Turns out that Karen is just as bad as me, lol. We were good at the start, and that was it, haha. The waves got a little intense the farther we got. Karen and I got scolded by our tour guy a few times because 1. we playing around 2. didn’t know what we were doing and 3. it was hard dude.

(the island the we kayaked around)

After we finished we just chilled on the beach. Which was nice. I never thought I would say this was that I wanted to tan. My legs have been the lightest they have been in a while.

We then made our way to pebble beach and I quickly learned why it’s called pebble beach.

With all the traffic we finally made it our pension after skipping some rocks at pebble beach. And our pension was beyond amazing. I really wished that we were able to stay there another night. We got a moment to settle in to our pension and made our way to the BBQ that was set up for us. Only if the food was ready on time cause we were starving so we got grabbed some chips and drinks at the CU store. They finally finished the food and it was delicious. Of course after we finished dinner our group made our way to a norabang and oh how do we know how to have a good time. Then we made out way back to the CU where Cody bought a whole bunch of fireworks and group sparklers that we ended up setting on the beach. <span class='wp-smiley emoji emoji-heart' title='<3 We spent the night playing kings cup and then finally crashing at who knows when what time.

We work up the next morning and breakfast planning to skip breakfast because it was too early, but turns out it wasn’t ready yet so we were in “time” for breakfast. Only that they ran out of the breakfast by the time it got to the end of the line were my group happen to be. We we got food in our system shuffled onto the bus to make our long journey to board the ferry to yokiji island. The traffic was horrible because of the holiday weekend. The weather made it a super gloomy travel.

When we finally arrived at the island we had to wait to be shuttled up the hill to our pension. They told use that there wasnt going to be any markets or anything up the hill so to buy and thing we wanted down the hill. Once we got there the view and location did no disappoint however the situation did disappoint.  The pension that they had booked with us was too small to compensate the entire group. They put the larger groups together in the largest pension so that at least they would be together. It turned out that it was about 25 people in the one pension and with one bathroom. No bueno. Karen and Ashley made there way around the island trying to find a different place for us to stay. Tension in the room got a little high so my group decided to leave. There was a last minute cancellation at one of the places down by the docks and we took it. The moment that we stepped in the new pension our moods went up 100%. It was sooooooo much better and i really feel like we had such a better time on our own.

The next day we met up with the rest of the group and went on a hike with unbelievable view of the island.  Just take a look at the pictures. There’s not need to explain it.

(fresh octopus for breakfast!)

Once we finished our hike we made our way back to the ferry were we got on the ferry and made way back. Traffic was once again intense. We made it back to Daegu around 9:30ish? I caught the 10:45 train back to my city and got back to my apartment maybe 11:20ish.

Oh what a trip.

more next time.


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