We are so excited to announce our Fall 2015 Greenheart Travel Day in the Life Video Contest! We want YOU to show us what your typical day is like in your host country.
What do you eat for breakfast? How do you get to school? We want to see it all. This is your chance to show off your sweet footage from your travels and what it’s really like to live abroad.
Once we have the videos, we will upload them to Facebook and allow the public to vote on their favorite! The top three videos with the most “likes” will get to show-off their victory with the following prizes.
What You Can Win:
First place: Go Pro Hero with LCD and the versatile clamp mount
Second place: A photo and video snapping Drone
Third place: Canvas print of a travel picture of your choice
Need some inspiration?
Check out a few of our favorite Greenheart Travel alumni videos below to get your creative gears turning.
Chandler Gelb, shows us what it’s like to ride a train in Thailand.
Ariela Martin shows us around Salamanca, Spain.
Chase Chisholm introduces us to his neighborhood in Yangon, Myanmar.
Timeline, Rules and Eligibility:
- Must be a Greenheart Travel alumni or current participant on a Greenheart Travel program, showing a “day-in-the-life” of a Greenheart Travel specific program.
- Videos must be no longer than 3 minutes in length.
- Participants are allowed unlimited video submissions but only one will be chosen to be eligible as a finalist to win one prize
- All award categories are final
- Participants must complete and sign video release form to be eligible
- Participants must submit original video file via Dropbox and email short description of their video submission and video release form to jrobinson@greenhearttravel.org .
- Greenheart Travel will begin accepting video submissions on Oct. 1, 2015
- Deadline to submit a video is Oct. 20, 2015
- Greenheart Travel will select the top 10 videos based on creativity, footage and editing quality and submission requirements and announce finalists Monday, Oct. 26, 2015
- Voting opens to the public on Facebook Monday, Oct. 26, 2015
- Voting closes to the public on Facebook at 11:59pm CDT on Nov. 1, 2015
- Greenheart Travel will announce winner on Nov. 2, 2015
How to Submit Videos:
- Upload video file to our video contest dropbox.com link and share with Greenheart Travel via designated dropbox folder with your name and video title.
- Email video content release form and description of video to jrobinson@greenhearttravel.org. with subject heading reading: Video Contest Submission*
- Ideally, videos will be filmed using a landscape setting (if filming on a smart phone) and uploaded files sent in an H.264/H.265 or MPEG4 codec as those take up the least space with the most quality (most cameras create these files, including iphones).
* If you have not received confirmation that we’ve received your submission, it is always a good idea to email jrobinson@greenhearttravel.org. Bounced emails or submissions that were too large of a file or did not download correctly by the deadline will not be considered.
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