“It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” ~Ernie Harwell
Or should I say hola?! It seems like just yesterday that I proposed the idea of moving 5,582 miles away to live with a different family for a semester! Now, there are only eight days until I land in Madrid and begin the experience of a lifetime! Honestly, there is no way to express the crazy mix of emotions I am feeling. Although I sometimes feel worried or scared of what is to come, I am more than ready to start on this life journey.
As I inch closer and closer to my departure, everything begins to feel more real. Recently, I have found myself envisioning my life in Spain: new family, home, friends, activities, routine, and more! It will be so different not driving with my best friend to school, or getting lunch at my favorite restaurant, or even taking my dog on a walk in my neighborhood. I feel as though the stark reality of this experience is finally hitting me and I could not be more ecstatic!
A few days ago, I began the arduous struggle of packing my suitcase. Originally, I thought, “How does one pack for an entire semester abroad?” However, deciding what to bring and what to leave behind turned out to be easier than I expected! It may sound frivolous and cliché, but just packing reassured me that I can do this. Although leaving my family, friends, and life here in Arizona seems close to impossible, I know that I am about to embark on the journey of a lifetime… ¡Estoy listo!
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