We had a long holiday a couple of weekends ago. Instead of going somewhere (we actually tried but everything was booked), so we decided to do some fun things in Daejeon instead.
Amber found out about this cool historical park in Daejeon, so we went there. I took the subway to Eunhaengdong and then took a taxi from there since I could not figure out how else to get there. I just showed the name of the park in Hangul to the taxi driver. No problem at all!
I arrived there a while before Amber and Rachel, so I just walked around on my own taking pictures (I love to do that anyway, so I was quite happy).
If you are going for any kind of walk or hike (no matter how small) in Korea, you put on your hiking gear.
He was waving hello to me.
Isn’t this park gorgeous? Makes you want to move to South Korea, doesn’t it? I’ve got an extra bed…
Here are some instagram pics I took of the park…
By this time, Amber and Rachel arrived. We enjoyed walking around and just relaxing.
I was teaching Amber how to use her camera and frame her subject. Rachel got her picture taken a lot!
Remember what I said about wearing your hiking gear? Then even have the poles!
I look like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in this one!
Another hiker
As we were walking down, these kids wanted me to take their picture.
Then the REAL posing came out!
Afterwards, we went to Eunhaengdong, our favorite spot in Daejeon. You can see how crowded it gets with the cars being allowed to drive down the streets. Crazy!
The 80’s have officially come to Korea. Cute matching couple overall outfits.
We have a new Toms store in Daejeon! We went there, but the shoes are all 80,000 won or $80. Uh, no thanks.
Shopping and eating snacks in the underground. Have you ever had pizza in a cup? Saree said it was good. She met us at the underground for just a bit. Days like this make me realize that I’m going to miss Daejeon. Terribly.
You can get your fortune read!
When you go inside a restaurant and eat, just leave your kid parked outside in their stroller while they sleep. I’m telling you, this is ONE SAFE country. Seriously.
A close-up. So sweet.
Weird Korean mannequin.
And his friends.
At the middle….the tree…of the underground
You see this carts rolling through and you’d better watch out for them because they will run you down. You can get tea from them, and carts like this are often carrying food to the shop owners in the underground. Some of them ride bikes or have little wheely carts. They go fast!
Realizing that I have only 3 months left in this glorious country. Boy, I’m going to miss it. I’m going to miss days like this. And I’m really going to miss my friends.
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