I fly out of Atlanta tomorrow. 15 hours to Seoul, then another flight and a vague stretch of time I’ve mentally refused to quantify until I’m in Bangkok. I’m pretty calm, actually, which is surprising since I normally get pre-flight jitters when simply traveling from Pittsburgh to Chattanooga. (This is an irritating condition for someone who flies a LOT.)
I think the calmness has something to do with the obsessive amount of energy I put into organizing my luggage.
{haha, it looks like the suitcase has a hat. silly suitcase. you don’t get to wear hats}
No but really. I have never been this organized in my life. And when I want to be, I can be a pretty put-together lady. But this is a new level for me. You know that blog, Things Organized Neatly? It is 1) incredibly satisfying and 2) apparently what I was channeling while prepping for my year abroad. I was laying out my things on my bed to make sure I had everything — for the fifth time since I started packing — when it occurred to me that I should photo-document the crazy. For, you know, science.
So, for science and my obsessive documenting purposes, here is everything that I put in my checked bag (cat sadly not included):
- 1 large packing cube of clothes
- 1 medium packing cube of various objects (teaching supplies, some toiletries)
- 1 pair of sneakers
- 1 water bottle (of the foldable persuasion)
- 1 pair of flip flops
- 1 pair of Sanuk sandals
- 1 large bag of more toiletries aka sunscreen, bug spray, and all the murad I could hoard (even though they totally sell it in bangkok, whatever)
- 1 medium bag o’ meds
- 1 medium bag o’…toothpaste and some other stuff.
- 1 journal
- 1 Thai language book
- 1 set of travel sheets because you never know
- 1 packable duffel bag
- 1 manicure kit
- 4 clif bars
and my carry-on backpack:
- 1 medium packing cube of clothes in case my checked bag is lost
- 1 small packing cube of everything electronic and cord-needy
- 1 neck pillow for the plane that the cat wanted to make her own
- 3 (more) pairs of shoes because I believe in quality footwear and also because I wear a size 8.5 and I’ve been warned that those are monster feet in Asia and I will not be able to find shoes.
- 2 belts
- 1 shoe oil sponge
- 1 tiny bag of jewelry. (Only two necklaces, two pairs of earrings, and a watch. Who said I couldn’t be a minimalist?!)
aaaand my purse:
- 1 bag of trail mix (obviously)
- 2 small bags of make-up and other sundries
- 1 pair of compression socks
- 1 pair of sunglasses
- 1 hat that I’m still not convinced is coming with me, but it’s pretty and I like it
- 1 camera
- 1 box of ZzzQuil because FIFTEEN HOUR FLIGHT PEOPLE
- 1 bag of airplane appropriate liquids and gels
- 1 year’s supply of contact lens
- 1 computer
- 1 journal
- 2 pens
- 1 mini box of altoids because ew plane breath
- 1 set of colored flags for reading and stuff because this is who I am
- 2 packs of tissues
- 1 wallet
- 2 pairs of glasses questionably shoved into 1 glasses case
- 1 copy of Name of the Wind, which I can’t imagine being without for a whole year
- 1 copy of Lighthousekeeping, which I can’t imagine being without for a whole year
- 1 loaded up kindle
- 4 (more) clif bars
- 1 passport
- 1 iphone aka Audiobook Listening Device
- 1 ipad, aka Tangled Watching and Candy Crush Playing Device
My mother just looked at all of this and said, “I have no idea where you came from.”
Yeah well….it’s, um, a study. A study in…packing. And obsessive organization. And…excuse me I need to go triple check that I packed everything.
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