Home » Italians are My Kind of People
by Penny Lane
2 min read
Posted January 1, 2014

Sunday was my first official day in Italy and when I woke up from my apartment I was scared to go into the house.

This would be my first morning with my new Italian family and I was trying to stall it as much as possible. I took a nice long hot shower, put on my new big sweater, straightened my hair and headed inside. I thought the whole family would be eating breakfast together, but au contraire, it was just like my family- Steffie and Alicia were practicing her homework and the men were off betting about soccer games.

Steffie brought me to the kitchen to have some biscottos with homemade honey, burra (butter) and marmalade (jam) and she goes,

“Would you like coffee in your milk?” Okay…

Boils milk and grinds coffee beans to heat in this special device on the stove, then pours the coffee into the milk in a little cup.

Best cup of coffee I’ve ever had!

Later we had a huge lunch with the whole family- We started with this delicious mozzarella, olive oil and pepper and fresh bread from the Grandpa’s cook- then some ravioli with ricotta inside and pomodora sauce.

Read more about her first day in her new host home and the secret to eating Italian meals, on Ashley’s blog…

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